off Mill Lane WOOHLPOOER, Southern Grampians Shire
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Statement of Significance
The site of Rowe's Sawmill is located on the south side of Mill Lane off the Henty Highway and at the head of Cattle Station Creek at Woohlpooer. There are few above ground remains of the Sawmill site, but a corrugated iron fuel depot building and the remains of timber outbuildings, including a chicken-house survive in Mill Lane. The only other substantial structure is the chimney of the workers' canteen, located about .5km to the south-west of the fuel depot. About .4km to the south there is a large dam and the remains of a tramway. It seems that the sawmill was located between the fuel depot and the dam. According to local tradition, the Rowe family , who had been sawmillers from the area east of the Grampians started the sawmill at this site in the early twentieth century. The site has high archaeological potential although most of the elements are in poor condition.
How is it significant?
Rowe's sawmill site is of archaeological and historical significance to the Southern Grampians Shire as a Heritage Inventory Site.
Why is it significant?
The site of the former Rowe's Sawmill site is of historical significance as a representative example of the now passed saw millers' way of life. It is of archaeological significance for the evidence it may yield about that lifestyle.
ROWE'S SAWMILL SITE - Physical Conditions
High degree of archaeological potential.
ROWE'S SAWMILL SITE - Physical Description 1
The sawmill site extended south from Mill Lane. A fuel depot building survives close to Mill Lane. It is gabled shed, elevated on high stumps and clad in corrugated iron. The remains of timber outbuildings, including a chicken-house used by a later occupant, survive nearby. The only other substantial structure is the chimney of the workers' canteen, located about .5km to the south-west of the fuel depot. About .4km to the south there is a large dam and the remains of a tramway. It seems that the sawmill was located between the fuel depot and the dam.
"Rowe's, Strachans and Fitzpatricks took huge quantities of logs to their mills in Hamilton and Dunkeld. Four million superfeet a year left the Victoria Range each year from 1954-1964" (Clabburn, 44).ROWE'S SAWMILL SITE - Historical Australian Themes
Theme 3 Developing Local, Regional and National Economies
3.4 Utilising natural resources
3.4.4 Making forests into a saleable resourceROWE'S SAWMILL SITE - Usage/Former Usage
Almost all structures and works have been removed.
ROWE'S SAWMILL SITE - Physical Description 2
The Rowe family.
Heritage Study and Grading
Southern Grampians - Southern Grampians Shire Heritage Study
Author: Timothy Hubbard P/L, Annabel Neylon
Year: 2002
ROWE'S SAWMILL SITESouthern Grampians Shire
'Mororo' 13 Oxford Street, MalvernStonnington City
1 Arnold StreetYarra City
1 Austin StreetYarra City