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Statement of Significance
Construction between 1912 and 1915, Princes Pier is of architectural and historic significance as a largely intact, rare surviving waterfront complex of structures dating from the early twentieth century and the second largest timber piled wharf structure in Australia. The gatehouse and barriers, terminal building, amenities rooms, good lockers, ablution blocks, railway sidings and passenger gangway tracks are integral to its significance.
Princes Pier is of historic significance, reflecting a critical period in Melbourne's maritime history. It is able to provide important evidence of the activities of the Melbourne Harbour Trust Commissioners during the period 1912 to the 1930s, in their quest to ensure that the Port of Melbourne could accommodate the largest vessel in the international trade. It is also evidence of their adoption of a distinctive system for the handling of overseas cargo and passengers on a large scale, the workings of which are visible today.
Princes Pier has a long association with Australia's military history, through its use as the site of embarkation for Australian troops in the First and Second World Wars and as an arrival point for United States troops during the Second World War. From the time of its completion in 1915 until 1969 it was also a major point at which many migrants, particularly during the post-war period, arrived in Australia and is therefore significant to the development of a multi-cultural society in Australia.
PRINCES PIER - Permit Exemptions
General Exemptions:General exemptions apply to all places and objects included in the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR). General exemptions have been designed to allow everyday activities, maintenance and changes to your property, which don’t harm its cultural heritage significance, to proceed without the need to obtain approvals under the Heritage Act 2017.Places of worship: In some circumstances, you can alter a place of worship to accommodate religious practices without a permit, but you must notify the Executive Director of Heritage Victoria before you start the works or activities at least 20 business days before the works or activities are to commence.Subdivision/consolidation: Permit exemptions exist for some subdivisions and consolidations. If the subdivision or consolidation is in accordance with a planning permit granted under Part 4 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the application for the planning permit was referred to the Executive Director of Heritage Victoria as a determining referral authority, a permit is not required.Specific exemptions may also apply to your registered place or object. If applicable, these are listed below. Specific exemptions are tailored to the conservation and management needs of an individual registered place or object and set out works and activities that are exempt from the requirements of a permit. Specific exemptions prevail if they conflict with general exemptions. Find out more about heritage permit exemptions here.Specific Exemptions:In accordance with s92(3) of the Heritage Act 2017, permit exemption issued by the Executive Director, Heritage Victoria on 10 August 2020 (P33226):
General Condition 1
All exempted alterations are to be planned and carried out in a manner which prevents damage to the fabric of the registered place or object.
General Condition 2
Should it become apparent during further inspection or the carrying out of works that original or previously hidden or inaccessible details of the place or object are revealed which relate to the significance of the place or object, then the exemption covering such works shall cease and Heritage Victoria shall be notified as soon as possible.
General Condition 3
All works should ideally be informed by Conservation Management Plans prepared for the place. The Executive Director is not bound by any Conservation Management Plan and permits still must be obtained for works suggested in any Conservation Management Plan.
General Condition 4
Nothing in this determination prevents the Heritage Council from amending or rescinding all or any of the permit exemptions.
General Condition 5
Nothing in this determination exempts owners or their agents from the responsibility to seek relevant planning or building permits from the relevant responsible authority, where applicable.
Standard exemptions- Maintenance of heritage fabric to retain its conditions or operation without the removal of or damage to existing fabric or the introduction of significant amounts of new materials.
- Minor repairs and maintenance to roads, path surfaces (excluding the reconstructed pier deck, refer to specific pier deck and structure exemptions below), steps, gutters and downpipes and like for like replacement where required.
- Erecting, repairing and maintaining signage (directional signage, road signs, speed signs, heritage signs and emergency signs), including maintenance to interpretation signage provided the content is not altered.
- Any new materials used for repair must not exacerbate the decay of existing fabric due to chemical incompatibility, obscure existing fabric or limit access to existing fabric for future maintenance. Repair must maximise protection and retention of fabric and include the conservation of existing details or elements.
- Fire suppression and firefighting duties provided the works do not adversely affect heritage fabric.
- Weed and vermin control activities provided the works do not adversely affect heritage fabric.
- Public safety and security activities provided the works do not adversely affect heritage fabric, including:
- The erection of temporary security fencing, scaffolding, hoardings or surveillance systems to prevent unauthorised access or secure public safety.
- Emergency stabilisation necessary to secure safety where a site feature has been irreparably damaged or destabilised and represents a safety risk to its users or the public. All works, including urgent or emergency site works are to be undertaken by an appropriately qualified specialist such as a structural engineer, or other heritage professional. The Executive Director, Heritage Victoria must be advised on any works within seven days.
- Cleaning, including the removal of surface deposits, organic growths, plant growths or graffiti by use of low-pressure water, natural detergents, mild brushing and scrubbing.
- Maintenance, refurbishment or replacement of light fixtures matching like for like or with a standard type agreed to with Heritage Victoria.
- The repair (such as refixing and patching) or the replacement of missing, damaged or deteriorated fabric that is beyond further maintenance, which matches the existing fabric in appearance, material and method of affixing, and does not involve damage to or the removal of significant fabric. NOTE: This exemption is not intended to allow for the cumulative replacement of large amounts of fabric. A permit will be required if the replacement of large amounts of fabric is necessary. If there is uncertainty about the requirement for a permit, advice should be sought from Heritage Victoria.
Exterior of gatehouse- Minor patching, repairs and maintenance, which replace like with like.
- Painting of previously painted surfaces in the same colour scheme provided that preparation or painting does not remove evidence of the original paint, decorative schemes or signage.
- Repair of walls, doors and windows, replacement of glazing, and repair of roof matching the existing in material type, finish and detail provided that the work is done in a manner not detrimental to the cultural heritage significance of the place.
- Repair or removal of non-original items such as air conditioners, pipe work, ducting, wiring, antennae and aerials, hot water services, taps and the like. • Installation or repair of damp-proofing by either injection method or grouted pocket method.
- General maintenance including the removal of broken glass, the temporary shuttering of windows and covering of holes if this work is reversible and does not affect the cultural heritage significance.
Interior of gatehouse- Replacement of existing services such as cabling, plumbing, wiring and fire services that uses existing routes, conduits or voids, and does not involve damage to or the removal of significant fabric.
- Repainting of previously painted walls and ceilings to match like for like.
- Removal of paint from originally unpainted or oiled surfaces including joinery, doors, architraves and skirtings by non-abrasive methods.
- Minor repairs which utilise materials and techniques that match the original, including to walls, doors, joinery, ceiling and floor finishes.
- Installation, removal or replacement of carpets and/or flexible floor coverings, window dressings and devices for hanging wall mounted artworks.
- General cleaning of the interior provided the preparation and cleaning does not remove evidence of the original paint or other decorative scheme.
- Refurbishment of bathrooms, toilets and kitchens including removal, installation or replacement of sanitary fixtures and associated piping, mirrors, wall and floor coverings, kitchen benches and fixtures including sinks, stoves, ovens, refrigerators, dishwashers and associated plumbing and wiring, provided that the work is done in a manner not detrimental to the cultural heritage significance of the place.
- Installation, removal or replacement of ducted, hydronic or concealed radiant type heating provided that the installation is done in a manner not detrimental to the cultural heritage significance of the place.
- Installation of plant within the roof space, providing that it does not impact on the external appearance of the building or involve structural changes. • Installation, removal or replacement of electrical wiring provided that all wiring is fully concealed and any original light switches, pull cords, push buttons or power outlets are retained in-situ.
- Rewiring of all fittings, installation of new general power outlets, lights etc in the interior, installation of data and telephone cabling provided that the work is done in a manner not detrimental to the cultural heritage significance of the place.
- Installation, removal or replacement of bulk insulation in the roof space.
- Installation, removal or replacement of smoke detectors.
Specific exemptions
General- Annual, or as needed, in situ conservation treatment of the gates by a methodology approved in writing by the Executive Director, Heritage Victoria.
- Removal of the fan palisades to the gates to allow for conservation works, provided the fans are reinstalled as per the original condition and that the methodology of removal and conservation is approved in writing by the Executive Director, Heritage Victoria.
- Repair, removal or like for like replacement of non-original elements at the pier including utility pods, seating, artificial turf, water drinking fountains, interactive kiosk, bollards, rubbish bins etc.
Pier deck and structure- Repair of existing concrete deck with standard approach to deck work provided that any remaining original features such as tracks, switching points, bollards, and other deck features are retained.
- Installation of all plumbing, sewage, electrical, water, ducted services below the deck level and all below deck access ladders.
- Re-marking of all deck markings, including parking bays, vehicle access path, etc.
- Like for like replacement (including materials and design) of substructure elements.
- Repair of timber piles beneath the pier deck with collaring, splicing, epoxy encapsulation, concrete jacket and wrapping of existing piles. A permit is likely to be required for the repair of piles located on the outer edge of the pier deck if a visual impact is identified. If there is uncertainty about the requirement for a permit, advice should be sought from the Executive Director, Heritage Victoria.
STATION PIERVictorian Heritage Register H0985
LEADING LIGHTSVictorian Heritage Register H0982
'NORWAY'Boroondara City
1 Mitchell StreetYarra City