Old Monomeith Homestead sites, garden
325 Monomeith Road MONOMEITH, Cardinia Shire

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Statement of Significance
Monomeith Homestead, thought to have been built (at least in part) from 1859, is of State significance for the combination of its surmised age, the materials of which it is made (timber) and its relatively good integrity. This combination in turn makes the house one of the oldest timber houses in the Gippsland region and thus representative of the vital role the region played in the pastoral development of the Colony. The first occupiers and owners of Monomeith House, the Mickle family, are also closely linked with this early stage of the region's development as a stock grazing area close to the Melbourne markets.
The setting of the house, with its bunya bunyas probably reflecting the 19th century occupation and the palms and cypress this century's tenure by the Glasscocks, is mature and in the case of the bunyas provides for a relatively uncommon tree species in the region. Similar mature and uncommon exotic tree specimens on the other sites south of the homestead complex provide markers for other early stages of the development of the property.
The property is made more valuable for the diaries kept by Alex Hudson from 1860 which detail the life led at this place.
State Significance
Old Monomeith Homestead sites, garden - Physical Description 1
(inspection was not allowed during the study period) The Old Monomeith homestead (not seen) is on the Heritage Register of Victoria which lists only the building. It has also been classified by the National Trust of Australia which describes it as `a weatherboard verandahed house with French doors to the verandah and enriched timber barge boards. Of the pastoralist lessees of West Gippsland, this remains as one of the few monuments'.
A measured drawing shows a plan of 5 main rooms, two minor rooms at the verandah end and two hallways, mainly lined with hardboard or fibrous plaster from the Glasscock era. Some earlier hessian and wall paper linings also existed in the hall. The principal room measured some 29' x 16'8" with three French doors facing onto the concave profile verandah. A large masonry fireplace at one end of the room provided for another fireplace.
backing on to it. The house exterior consists of two intersecting gabled wings surrounded by a concave profile verandah supported on timber posts. The roof is clad with corrugated iron with shingles noted as being under. The walls are clad with square-edge weatherboard and at least one gable valence has been fretted in the domestic Gothic revival manner.
Recent photographs show the fine large bunya bunya specimen along a track into the complex, with some nearby Monterey cypress and two Canary Island palms near the house. The outbuildings pictures appear to be of a later vintage, being gabled and either corrugated iron or weatherboard clad. The house itself is as the measured drawing with the room shown at the end of the verandah appearing to be an added skillion in the image. The homestead is located on lot 6 of the 1880s subdivision, at the end of a private track passing two later houses. Stables and sheds were on lot 5 in the 1880s.
Other sites to the south-west include old conifers and conifer groups (including six stone pines and younger Monterey cypress, plus a lone `Araucaria sp.' closer to the house ) which are said to have been former building sites plus later brick `cup and saucer' tanks (c1920-30s?).
Old Monomeith Homestead sites, garden - Physical Conditions
Monomeith homestead could not be inspected but photographs show it as in fair condition.
The other sites on the property are marked by surviving mature exotic trees which appear also to be in fair condition.
Old Monomeith Homestead sites, garden - Historical Australian Themes
Principal Australian Historical Theme - Engaging in primary production
Historical Subtheme - Developing sheep and cattle industries
Old Monomeith Homestead sites, garden - Physical Description 2
Associations - Mickle Family; Glascock Family
Heritage Study and Grading
Cardinia - Cardinia Shire Heritage Study 1998
Author: Graeme Butler & Associates
Year: 1998
Grading: State
Old Monomeith Homestead sites, gardenCardinia Shire
Old Monomeith HomesteadNational Trust
'CARINYA' LADSONS STOREVictorian Heritage Register H0568
1 Alexander StreetYarra City
1 Botherambo StreetYarra City