Old Yallock
off South Gibbsland Highway MONOMEITH, Cardinia Shire

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Statement of Significance
The Old Yallock sites, distributed along the Yallock Creek to the bay, have potential significance to the Gippsland region and depending on their extent, the State: because of their age and the documentation which surrounds their evolution. However this significance cannot be judged by superficial examination and further detailed investigation must be carried out using the 1850s maps and Mickle's composite map as a guide for archaeological work.
Regional Significance
Old Yallock - Physical Description 1
Early elements in this complex include gabled weatherboard clad timber-framed outbuildings (stables, barn 1920s?), with gable finials, and a man's hut (c1910, split paling?) grouped around a house yard, with one mature Norfolk Island pine, later but mature Monterey cypress and some hawthorn hedges. The man's hut is simply gabled with finials, as for the rest of the complex, with a verandah along one side and an added skillion at one end. The verandah brackets appears from early this century.
The 1893 foundation brick has been reused in the new brick house; the earlier large brick house having been demolished in c1984. Identification of the graves and other artefacts should be the subject of an archaeological examination of the site which is outside the scope of this study.
Old Yallock - Physical Conditions
Inspection is yet to verify the full extent of the remains on this historic property, requiring archaeological examination. However, dealing with today's house complex, the property has only slim remnants of its early history, the oldest verifiable element being the 1893 brick used in the new house. The Norfolk Island pine may be from the turn of the century or later but appears to unlikely to be any older.
Old Yallock - Historical Australian Themes
Principal Australian Historical Theme - Engaging in primary production
Historical Subtheme - Developing sheep and cattle industries
Old Yallock - Physical Description 2
Associations - Mickle Lyall & Bakewell
Heritage Study and Grading
Cardinia - Cardinia Shire Heritage Study 1998
Author: Graeme Butler & Associates
Year: 1998
Grading: Local
Old YallockCardinia Shire
Warook HomesteadCardinia Shire
DIGHTS MILL SITEVictorian Heritage Register H1522
DUNROESouthern Grampians Shire
EMU BOTTOMVictorian Heritage Register H0274