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Statement of Significance
Houses - Physical Description 1
These houses were designed in an eclectiv manner with a mediaeval character to the gable facing the street which has a secondary projecting hip roof over a window bay. The mediaeval character was probably reinforced by the entry gablet on the verandah with wooden fretwork. They may have borrowed this detail from Sir George Verdon's hill station, Alton at Mt Macedon which was influenced by Verdon's associations with leading English architects. The steep pitched roofs, tall chimneys and the lack of stucco ornamentation on these red face brickwork buildings represents a rejection of the Italianate and the more flamboyant Queen Anne styles. The plan form, however, with two projecting bays containing a return verandah is not uncommon for the period. This matching pair have steep pitched slate roofs. These are hipped above the return verandah and have two projecting gabled bays. The front bay has a further projecting bay window with a separate slate hipped roof. Elaborate detailing to the double hung window with separate leaded glass highlights emphasises this element. Paired angled bracketts support the eaves of this projecting bay window as well as the eaes of the main house. The brick work is a combination of dark Hawthorns with bands of red brick. This is repeated also on the chimney. The verandah has dentilation beneath the gutter and around the pediment of gablet. The turned timber verandah posts are more characteristic of the Queen Anne style.
Other than the missing gable truss, missing verandah brackets and high brick fence, 5 Myamyn Street is apparently intact. 7 Myamyn Street has a low timber picket fence and is generally intact. A single storey wing at the rear (which faces the side street) appears to date from the 1930s.
Houses - Local Historical Themes
8.4.2 Functional, eccentric and theatrical - experimentation and innovation in architecture
3.3.3 Speculation and land boomers - subdivision from 1880s onwards
8.2.2 'Country in the city' - suburban development in Malvern before 1920
Heritage Study and Grading
Stonnington - City of Malvern Heritage Study
Author: Nigel Lewis and Richard Aitken P/L
Year: 1992
Grading: A2
ARMADALE PRIMARY SCHOOLVictorian Heritage Register H1640
ARMADALE HOUSEVictorian Heritage Register H0637
STONINGTONVictorian Heritage Register H1608
13 Flinders Street, QueenscliffQueenscliffe Borough
162 Nicholson StreetYarra City
164 Nicholson StreetYarra City