Rokewood Cemetery
Cemetery Road ROKEWOOD, Golden Plains Shire

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Statement of Significance
What is significant?
The Rokewood Cemetery is located on the north side of Cemetery Road, 1.5 kilometers north east of the township of Rokewood. The first burial was recorded in 1855, with the cemetery officially gazetted in 1872. The site is comprised of 13 acres, of which the most southern portion contains the largest population of Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides (Button Wrinklewort) in Victoria. The cemetery is located towards the north boundary of the allotment, bound from the Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides site by a wire fence and perimeter plantings. It takes the traditional form of denominational division, with remains of a formal layout, aligned to a straight path leading from the entrance. It contains the graves of local pioneering families, and more recently, former residents of the Rokewood district.
How is it significant?
The Rokewood Cemetery is of historical, social, architectural (aesthetic) and scientific (botanical) significance to the Golden Plains Shire.
Why is it significant?
The Rokewood Cemetery is of historical significance as an enduring record of those who have lived and died in the community, as a reflection of the passing phases, ways of life and death, particular events, and as documentary evidence of the districts prosperity and hardships.
The Rokewood Cemetery is of social significance for reflecting the customs and tastes of the community, for reflecting different religious values, and for reflecting different economic and social status. It is also an important place for passive recreation.
The Rokewood Cemetery is of architectural (aesthetic) significance for its range of tombstones, memorials and iconography reflecting the aesthetics of different periods and groups within the community.
The Rokewood Cemetery is of scientific (botanical) significance for supporting one of the largest known population of Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides (Button wrinklewort) which survives in Victoria.
Rokewood Cemetery - Physical Description 1
The Rokewood Cemetery is situated on allotment 95a within the Parish of Corindhap. It is located on the north side of Cemetery Road, 1.5 km north - west of the Rokewood township boundary. The cemetery reserve is comprised of approximately 13 acres. The southern portion of the site contains one of the largest population of Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides (Button Wrinklewort) in Victoria and is fenced off from the cemetery. Vehicular access is gained through a gateway addressing Cemetery Road, with a gravel track running north from the entrance gate, though the Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides site. A small wire gateway serves as a formal pedestrian entrance, with a brick maintenance hut with a pitched corrugated iron roof is located to the east of the entrance. The cemetery is divided into denominational areas, with clusters of graves extending from a central path, which runs the length of the reserve. The reserve is bound by perimeter plantings of Pinus Radiata (Monterey Pine), with several specimens Cupressus sempervirens (Italian Cypress) located along the central path.
Rokewood Cemetery - Historical Australian Themes
The Australian Heritage Commission devised the Australian Historic Themes in 2001. The following themes have influenced the historical development of the Rokewood Cemetery.
9 Marking The Phases of Life
9.7 Dying
9.7.1 Dealing with human remains
9.7.2 Mourning the dead
9.7.3 Remembering the dead
Rokewood Cemetery - Physical Description 2
Extent of Registration: The extent of the Rokewood Cemetery to the whole of the land being allotment 95a within the Parish of Corindhap,including the gravestones, graves and perimeter plantings of Pinus Radiata (Monterey Pine) and interior plantings ofCupressus sempervirens (Italian Cypress). Also including the Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides (Button Wrinklewort) site.
Rokewood Cemetery - Integrity
The Rokewood Cemetery is in good condition and retains a high degree of integrity.
Heritage Study and Grading
Golden Plains - Golden Plains Shire Heritage Study Phase 2
Author: Heritage Matters P/L
Year: 2009
Grading: Local
Rokewood CemeteryGolden Plains Shire