438 Centre Road
438 Centre Road BENTLEIGH, Glen Eira City

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Statement of Significance
The former State Savings Bank building adopts architectural forms not uncommon for banks of the period and is important in the Bentleigh shopping centre as the most imposing commercial building of the inter-war period. The corner location enhances its impact and imparts identity to the centre.
438 Centre Road - Physical Description 1
A monumental and prominently situated stuccoed former bank in the Egyptian Revival mode with a pilastrated facade, upper level loggia and frieze with "The State Bank of Victoria" in stuccoed Roman letters. Prominent roundels and the form of the facade suggest Egyptian architectural influence whilst ornamentation is generally simplified in the manner of the period. Steel framed lower level windows adopt superimposed Greek and St. Andrews Cross motifs. The facade treatment returns along the Daley Street elevation for a single bay and there is a porch giving access to the former residential entrance.
438 Centre Road - Physical Description 2
Condition: Sound
438 Centre Road - Physical Description 3
Integrity: High
438 Centre Road - Historical Australian Themes
Glen Eira as a pre-eminent inter-war municipality
Heritage Study and Grading
Glen Eira - City of Glen Eira Heritage Management Plan
Author: Andrew Ward, Architectural Historian
Year: 1996
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