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Statement of Significance
What is significant?
The former Murrayville Consolidated School was constructed in 1943 from five relocated district timber schools (Murrayville 1926, Rusbridge 1922, Goongee 1928, Manya 1929 and Manya North 1930) as a unified building with weatherboard walls and a corrugated galvanized iron roof in an "E" plan form to a design prepared under the direction of Percy Everett, Chief Architect of the Public Works Department. The site also contains remnants of a larger complex of buildings which included other relocated school classrooms, staff residences and farm and orchard elements.
How is it significant?
The former Murrayville Consolidated School is architecturally, historically and socially important to the State of Victoria.
Why is it significant?
The former Murrayville Consolidated School is architecturally significant as a rare and essentially intact example of school building constructed during a period of war-time austerity, integrating five relocated existing buildings into a new structure of distinctive and contemporary design. It was the first consolidated school building constructed in Victoria and, when compared with others utilising relocated buildings, the most sophisticated in design.
The former Murrayville Consolidated School is historically and socially important as the pioneering example of the origin, development, decline and eventual demise of the consolidated school experiment in Victoria. Although consolidated schools had been considered from 1902 as a means of broadening educational and social opportunities for children in sparsely settled areas and as a vehicle for the better social integration of their families, they were finally only established in response to war-time staff shortages and pressure from the citizens of the Murrayville district. The system, which was practiced only between 1943 and 1969, was intended to focus on education for rural life and included significant elements of study in practical farming and horticulture. The Murrayville School was noted for its emphasis on dry-land farming techniques.
General Exemptions:General exemptions apply to all places and objects included in the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR). General exemptions have been designed to allow everyday activities, maintenance and changes to your property, which don’t harm its cultural heritage significance, to proceed without the need to obtain approvals under the Heritage Act 2017.Places of worship: In some circumstances, you can alter a place of worship to accommodate religious practices without a permit, but you must notify the Executive Director of Heritage Victoria before you start the works or activities at least 20 business days before the works or activities are to commence.Subdivision/consolidation: Permit exemptions exist for some subdivisions and consolidations. If the subdivision or consolidation is in accordance with a planning permit granted under Part 4 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the application for the planning permit was referred to the Executive Director of Heritage Victoria as a determining referral authority, a permit is not required.Specific exemptions may also apply to your registered place or object. If applicable, these are listed below. Specific exemptions are tailored to the conservation and management needs of an individual registered place or object and set out works and activities that are exempt from the requirements of a permit. Specific exemptions prevail if they conflict with general exemptions. Find out more about heritage permit exemptions here.FORMER MURRAYVILLE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL - Permit Exemption Policy
Policy Guidelines.
The following guidelines are intended to serve as the basis for the assessment of future permit applications. Specific exemptions from permit requirements follow the policy guidelines. The policy guidelines and permit exemptions are given in full as a condition of the support of the property owner, the Directorate of School Education.
The principal objective of the registration is to preserve the significant built structures and the orchard and formal garden areas as important features of the former use of the site and to assign an area of the site around the significant buildings sufficient to maintain their setting.
The principal policy in dealing with the site will be that the registered structures should remain the dominant features of the site and that new structures should not interfere significantly with the visibility of the registered structures from important existing view points within the site.
View points from outside the site are not relevant.
Secondary policies are;
For the site generally
The formal garden and its structures should be preserved in generally their present form with no new structures of any description. The orchard area should preferably remain as an orchard with no new substantial structures, except as following.
The main access from Poole Street should be preserved in generally its present form. The location of new structures within the area formerly occupied by the staff dwellings and of a comparable scale would be appropriate.
The location of substantial new structures in the north east corner of the site and towards the whole east boundary would be appropriate.
Insubstantial structures and fences related to agricultural and horticultural activities in the immediate vicinity of the building at its east, west and south would be appropriate.
Structures and fences related to animal husbandry in all but the immediate vicinity of the main building would be appropriate. The addition of new windmills, solar energy collectors, etc would be appropriate.
Removal of the 1960s east addition would be encouraged.
2.The exteriors of the registered buildings.
The form and details external envelopes of the registered buildings should be maintained, except for the removal of obvious later additions. Additions at the south of the main building would be considered. Minor alterations to the external envelopes such as for doors, small windows, fans/vents, etc and services elements would be appropriate. Colours should be of the owners’ choice.
3.The interiors of the registered buildings.
The principal classroom walls and ceilings should remain in position, but minor alterations such as new openings would be acceptable. Additional partitions and false ceilings required for the reasonable functioning of new uses would generally be acceptable on the proviso that the original fabric is not removed or significantly damaged in their construction. Existing fittings such as blackboards, platforms, benches, fireplaces should be retained in situ if possible. The addition of new fixtures should respect the original form of the interior, but should generally be as required. Colours should be of owners choice.
Exemptions from permit requirements.
The following works are exempt from permit requirements.
All landscaping and garden construction with the exception of the formal garden area.
All fencing. Painting and paint colours, both exterior and interior. Mechanical works to the windmill and tank stands and water reticulation system
The erection of garden structures such as pergolas, shade houses, glass houses, etc. except in the formal garden area to the north of the main building. The erection of sheds for animal husbandry as provided by the policy above. The addition of new interior fixtures and fittings.
The addition of new interior partitions and false ceilings. The construction of new openings in existing partitions no larger than 9 sq. metres in area. The location of solar collectors, wind generators and other devices associated with energy efficiency anywhere within the site or on the building, providing no substantial changes to the registered structures are required.
MURRAYVILLE RAILWAY STATIONVictorian Heritage Register H1580
Murrayville Honour RollVic. War Heritage Inventory
Murrayville Honour Roll (Second World War)Vic. War Heritage Inventory
"1890"Yarra City
"AMF Officers" ShedMoorabool Shire
"AQUA PROFONDA" SIGN, FITZROY POOLVictorian Heritage Register H1687
'YARROLA'Boroondara City
1 Bradford AvenueBoroondara City