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Statement of Significance
The Wet Dock, constructed in 1877 to increase the capacity of the port, sits to the south of the wharf. The dock was excavated from the bank of the river and was formed by sheet piling retained by timber waling and timber piles at 3 metre centres. The wharf formed the western edge of the dock. At the time of construction the Wet Dock was 24 metres wide and over 45 metres long. The form of the dock is intact and is clearly apparent, although only remnant components of the timber structure survive.
The Echuca Wharf, built in 1865-67, is over ten metres high to allow for variations in winter and summer river levels, allowing goods to be unloaded all year round.The wharf is constructed from river red gum felled and milled locally.Various parts of the wharf and associated infrastructure have been renewed and/or restored throughout the years.
The Echuca Wharf was built for the Victorian Public Works Department by G. Dwyer and Co. following completion of the railway from Bendigo in 1864. The building of the wharf was commenced that year and was completed in 1867, reaching 303 feet 6 inches (92.4 metres) in length. As the river trade increased in volume the wharf was extended, in 1877 and again in 1879. The 1877 expansion works also increased capacity of Echuca as a port with the excavation and construction of a dock to the southern end of the wharf. Cranes, wool presses and bond stores were built along the upper level and goods were loaded at the adjacent railway siding. Final extensions to the wharf were completed in 1884, ultimately reaching 332 metres in length
The wharf was serviced by direct access to the Victorian Railways with the construction of railway sidings at the time of the construction of the wharf. By the time the wharf was extended in 1877 there were seven railway sidings approaching the wharves.
The Echuca port and the river trade for which it was built facilitated the movement of goods through Echuca, from points throughout the Murray Darling catchment, including the rich pastoral districts of the Riverina, to the salt-water ports of Melbourne. The arrival of the railway and the construction of the wharf ended South Australia's short dominance of the Murray River trade.The partnership which developed between the river trade and the railway to the economic benefit of Echuca and subsequently Melbourne until well into the 1890s
Echuca became the second busiest port in Victoria. By 1882, trade being conducted on the rivers was estimated at £5 million per annum, a large amount of that being in wool imported into Victoria from NSW.
After the 1880s the river trade started to decline and was exacerbated by the financial crisis of the 1890s. The extension of the railway network in both New South Wales and Victoria also took away valuable trade. The extension of the NSW railways into the Riverina in 1882 and to Bourke in 1885 began to siphon off the lucrative wool trade away from the Murray while Victoria railway lines reached Wodonga in 1873 and Wahgunyah in 1879, cutting off most of the short haul river traffic between Echuca and Albury
The population of Echuca began to decline in the 1880s and the wharf fell into disrepair, though it still saw some commercial use.
In 1923 Evan Bros moved their saw milling operations from Barmah to the northern end of the wharf over the site of what had previously been occupied by the wharf master's residence and the 1874 railway turntable. The site took advantage of the wharf and its cranes and the nearby railway sidings form which Evan Bros extended a rail line into the saw mill to allow easy loading of sawn timber for transport by rail. In addition to the necessary machinery and sheds Evans Bros also built a new log skid and a narrow gauge rail line for an engine to drag logs up the skid. The mill was destroyed by fire on 24 February 1959. It was rebuilt immediately and the fabric associated with the mill site dates from this time. Evans Bros eventually sold the mill in 1983 after which it continued to operate as a mill until 1993 when it was bought by the Shire Campaspe and incorporated into the Port of Echuca.
During World War II, Victorian Railways began to demolish the wharf to provide firewood for Melbourne, reducing it to it current length.The original spur railway line to the port was removed in 1971
Various parts of the wharf and associated infrastructure have been renewed and/or restored throughout the years. Remnant timber pylons (visible only at low water) some distance from either end of the current wharf demonstrate its ultimate length.
Heritage Victoria 2008
The Echuca Wharf was built in 1865-67 for the Public Works Department by G. Dwyer and Co. following completion of the railway from Bendigo in 1864. As the river trade increased in volume, the wharf was added to in 1877 and again in 1879, when it was five times its present length. The wharf structure is entirely timber, said to be the fine local red gum, in long straight grained pieces no longer obtainable. The great height of the wharf allowed for the ten metre variation in winter and summer river levels, so that goods could be unloaded all year round. Cranes, wool presses and bond stores were built along the upper level and goods were loaded at a railway siding, of which some elements remain. The wharf is understood to be the only high level wharf still intact which reflects the age of river trading on the Murray-Darling River system.
The high level road/rail bridge was built in 1875 to extend the Victorian railways transport into New South Wales. Its construction marked the apogee of Echuca's development as a great river port, and it heralded the decline of river transport in the Murray. Although large quantities of wool and wheat were moved through the Port of Echuca to the rail head and to Melbourne, an increasing amount was going on down the river and being lost to the State of Victoria. By carrying the railway into New South Wales much of this cargo was regained thus eliminating a lot of the river traffic.
Archaeological evidence indicates that by the early nineteenth century, the central and lower Murray River and the lower Darling were among the most densely populated areas of Aboriginal Australia (Mulvaney and Kamminga, 1999, p69). In 1841, pioneer settler E.M. Curr estimated the Bangerang people of the region to have numbered 1200 and to have been divided into a number of localised groups including the Woollathara (Wollithiga), who were particularly associated with Echuca (Howitt, 1996, p53). Introduced disease reduced the numbers of Aboriginal people in the region throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth century.
Following the establishment of the colony of South Australia in 1836, navigation of the Murray River seemed to offer the new colony favourable economic prospects. Recognising this, in 1850 the government offered a prize of ₤2000 each to the captains of the first two iron vessels to reach the junction of the Murray and Darling Rivers (Lee, 2003). The prizes were successfully claimed in the spring of 1853, though an amendment to the prize conditions was made, making timber hulled boats eligible. All of the steamers active during the period of intense commercial navigation proved to be timber-hulled (Lee, 2003).
Between 1855 and 1859, various voyages established the practical limits of trade, taking vessels up the Murray to Albury, the Murrumbidgee to Gundagai, and, amazingly, up the Darling to Walgett, 1,650 miles (2,660 km) upstream from the Murray Darling junction. Trade was, however, dependent on highly variable water levels. (That variability being reflected in the 10 metre height of Echuca Wharf, built to accommodate three dock levels, to service the river both in flood and low water.) In drought, most of the Darling and the Murrumbidgee Rivers were rarely navigable, and even on the Murray the only reliably navigable waters were from Echuca downstream (Lee, 2003).
The Murray River trade quickly became economically important. The river was recognised as an easy route for transporting produce to service the expanding markets of the Victorian goldfields. By 1857, merchandise from Adelaide carried by steamer to Albury exceeded 1 million pounds sterling. By 1866 there were 36 steamers plying the Murray River. The trade was varied. Steamers carried passengers, mail and supplies to the stations and returned with station produce for coastal markets. By 1870 the Murray was the main channel bringing inland wealth to the coast. The establishment of the river trade transformed inland pastoral industries. Station owners began to change from cattle, a good option when the only transport to market was overland, to sheep, because river transport of wool made sheep farming a better economic option (Murray Darling Basin Committee).
Echuca quickly became the key centre for this burgeoning trade. The town of Echuca, the nearest point on the Murray River to Melbourne, was established in 1854 at a prominent river crossing with transport by punts to Moama, NSW, on the north bank of the river. As early as December 1855 it was recognized by the Victorian Government that Echuca was located on one of the most important roads in the colony, being at a crossing point to New South Wales, from where Victoria gained stock for food (Lee, 2003).
By 1864 two essential factors in the growth of Echuca were in place: the port of Echuca and the railway linking to Melbourne. Their construction ended South Australia's short dominance of the Murray River trade. The Echuca port and the river trade for which it was built facilitated the movement of goods through Echuca, from points throughout the Murray Darling catchment, including the rich pastoral districts of the Riverina, to the salt-water ports of Melbourne. The partnership which developed between the river trade and the railway locked in Echuca's, and subsequently Melbourne's economic supremacy over its inter-colonial rivals until well into the 1890s (Lee, 2003).
The building of the wharf was commenced in 1864 and was completed in 1867, reaching 303 feet 6 inches (92.4 metres) in length (Ward, 1992). The Wharf was erected by the Public Works Department, and constructed by G. Dwyer and Co (National Trust citation FN B1993). As the trade grew, so did the wharf, being extended in 1877 and 1879, and sheds and cranes added. Final extensions to the wharf were completed in 1884, the wharf ultimately reaching 332 metres in length (Ward, 1997). Echuca became the second busiest port in Victoria (Lee, 2003).
By 1882, trade being conducted on the rivers was estimated at £5 million per annum, a large amount of that being in wool imported into Victoria from NSW. It was the more densely settled areas of the Darling and Albert districts and the Riverina that provided trade advantages, and it was to these areas that trade was directed. Prior to 1882 runs in these areas of 45,000 to 50,000 sheep were considered large, but the more direct access to markets and competitive advantage provided by river traffic, resulted in stations like 'Dunlop' and 'Tirale' running more than half a million sheep each in that year (Painter, 1979).
In addition to facilitating the shipment of western NSW produce through Echuca and Melbourne, another factor contributing to the development of Echuca was the difficulty experienced by South Australia in establishing a viable river trade. The sand bar at the mouth of the Murray necessitated the transportation of goods by railway from Goolwa on the river to Port Elliot, and after 1854 to Victor Harbour. From these ports the cargo had then to be shipped to Adelaide. In all it was a cumbersome and expensive operation (Ward, 1992).
After the 1880s the river trade started to decline, with the financial crisis of the 1890s hitting the local economy hard. The extension of the railway network in both New South Wales and Victoria also took away valuable trade. The NSW rail network was expanded south to reach Wagga and Narrandera in 1881, and ultimately Hay in 1882. By 1885, the rail line also reached the Darling River at Bourke and began to siphon off the lucrative wool trade from the area (Ward, 1992). In Victoria railway lines reached Wodonga in 1873 and Wahgunyah in 1879, cutting off most of the short haul river traffic between Echuca and Albury (Ward, 1992). While the extensions of these rail networks affected the previously prosperous river trade, the most significant feature of railway operations on both sides of the border was the application of preferential rates. All traffic west of Hay and Mossgiel was subject to a lower rate by the NSW Railways if it went to Sydney. Southern and Western Line consignors were similarly advantaged. The effect of this was that wool from the areas east of Hay and in the vicinity of Bourke, which had previously been exported through Echuca and Melbourne, now went to Sydney via the new railway (Ward, 1992).
The population of Echuca began to decline in the 1880s and the wharf fell into disrepair, though it still saw some commercial use. During World War II, Victorian Railways began to demolish the wharf to provide firewood for Melbourne, reducing it to only 75.5 metres, one quarter of its ultimate length. The original spur railway line to the port was removed in 1971 (Lee, 2003).
Since the 1960's, the wharf and paddle-steamers have found a new life, servicing the ever increasing tourist trade, attracted to the romance of the river and the 'Age of the Paddle-steamers'.
By 1971 Campaspe Shire Council had received two government grants and had a committee in place to manage the development of the Port Precinct. The aim of this body, now the Port Authority, is to undertake development compatible with maintaining the historical integrity of the Precinct. In May 2000, a grant of $150,000 was allocated by the State Government to help rebuild the spur line from the railway station.
Australian Heritage Database, National Listing, History
Echuca Wharf reflects the importance that the Port of Echuca played in the economic growth experienced by the colonies of Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia in the second half of the 19th century. The construction of the wharf and railway at Echuca in the late 1860s facilitated the movement of goods to and from the pastoral districts of the Riverina and western NSW to the ports of Melbourne and Adelaide. More direct access to markets led to a rapid expansion in the scale and value of these pastoral districts, and in turn to increased river trade, requiring the extension of the wharf. The Port of Echuca became the pre eminent port for Murray River trade (estimated to be £5 million per annum in 1882), and Victoria's second largest port up until the 1880s. The wharf and railway at Echuca were crucial in the process of Melbourne wresting the status of Australia's economic capital from Sydney. The massive red gum structure of the wharf in its current configuration, the timber remains showing the longest extent of the wharf and the visual dominance of the wharf within a relatively undisturbed setting together provide evidence of the importance of Echuca as a pre-eminent trading port. The cargo shed, cranes, jib, fence and railway track, although not original, contribute to an understanding of the functioning of the port, the use of the wharf by paddle-steamers, and the relationship between the port and the railhead.
Australian Heritage Database, National Listing Criterion A
The wharf has been restored to its appearance during the river port era. Substantial works have taken place over the years on the portion of wharf which remains, including the renewal of original piles, braces, beams, cross-heads and sheeting (Ward, 1997).
The railway and wharf are both intact although not complete. The red gum wharf was at its greatest extent 332 metres in length. About a quarter of it remains, although this is the original quarter, and is thoroughly representative of what was demolished. The wharf has had a continual renewal of fabric (of the same material) and further repairs are required and planned.
In order to ascertain the integrity of the structure, a major engineering study was undertaken in 2001. This study found the wharf to be safe, and recommended a ten year maintenance works program, with an estimated cost of $2 million.Australian Heritage Database, National Listing, Condition & Integrity
52 Murray Esplanade, Echuca, comprising:
1. the area bounded in the east by the edge of the wharf platform; in the south and west by the picket fence and in the north by the edge of the wharf platform and its alignment (between the timber walkway and souvenir shop) to its intersection with the picket fence;
2. Two old retaining walls extending for approximately 36 metres from the northern edge of the wharf;
3. Remnants of old piles extending approximately from MGA point 297280mE 6000244mN to 297308mE 6000195mN;
4. Old retaining wall extending approximately from MGA point 297321mE 6000137 to 297363mE 6000079mN;and
5. Old retaining wall extending approximately from MGA point 297383mE 6000092mN to 297399mE 6000102mN.
Australian Heritage Database, National Listing, Extent
The Echuca Wharf lies within the border of New South Wales, the border line being along the south bank of the Murray River.
The Echuca Wharf is constructed entirely from timber, said to be the fine local red gum, in long straight grained pieces no longer available. The great height of the wharf allowed for the ten metre variation in winter and summer river levels, so that goods could be unloaded all year round. Cranes, wool presses and bond stores were built along the upper level and goods were loaded at a railway siding, of which some elements remain.
The Echuca Wharf is 75.5 metres in length (its previous ultimate length was 332 metres, before parts of the wharf began to be dismantled) and is over ten metres, or three stories, high, enabling the wharf to operate in both high and low rivers.The wharf is constructed from river red gum (felled and milled locally). Various parts of the wharf and associated infrastructure have been renewed and/or restored throughout the years. Remnant timber pylons (visible only at low water) some distance from either end of the current wharf demonstrate its ultimate length.
The remaining wharf structure is the central section of the original structure, largely original but with repairs over time. Within the main wharf frame, several piles, braces and beams have been replaced. The catwalk has been reconstructed and the staircases to the north and south ends are presumed to include early elements. The wharf decking is replacement fabric (using the same type of timber as the original), date unknown. The northern crane occupies the site of an earlier crane and is different to the original cranes on the wharf. The southern crane is similar to one of the original cranes installed in 1865; it was sourced from a station yard at Wacool. The jib closely matches evidence of an earlier crane at the wharf (from the 1877 extension) and may have originally been part of wharf. The post and chain fence along the edge of the wharf is a reconstruction of the original fence, although the eye through which the chain passes appears to be smaller than the original. There were originally many more railway tracks than those currently represented.
The nominated area also contains a relocated cargo shed (now used for interpretation purposes) which is not original but is of the same style and vintage of sheds which were on the wharf, a relatively recently constructed railway platform and relocated station building, a relocated pedestrian overpass, a small shed (not original), several relocated early lamp-posts and numerous introduced props.
Echuca/Moama is regarded as the home of the largest number of paddleboats in the world ( The wharf is still operational, open to the public 364 days of the year, with three tourist cruising paddle-steamers (P.S. Adelaide, P.S. Alexander Arbuthnot and P.S. Pevensey) leaving from the wharf daily.
Australian Heritage Database, National Listing, DescriptionECHUCA WHARF - Plaque Citation
Built between 1865 and 1884, the wharf was essential to the steamer trade which carried wool, timber and other goods along the Murray River.
ECHUCA WHARF - Permit Exemptions
General Exemptions:General exemptions apply to all places and objects included in the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR). General exemptions have been designed to allow everyday activities, maintenance and changes to your property, which don’t harm its cultural heritage significance, to proceed without the need to obtain approvals under the Heritage Act 2017.Places of worship: In some circumstances, you can alter a place of worship to accommodate religious practices without a permit, but you must notify the Executive Director of Heritage Victoria before you start the works or activities at least 20 business days before the works or activities are to commence.Subdivision/consolidation: Permit exemptions exist for some subdivisions and consolidations. If the subdivision or consolidation is in accordance with a planning permit granted under Part 4 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the application for the planning permit was referred to the Executive Director of Heritage Victoria as a determining referral authority, a permit is not required.Specific exemptions may also apply to your registered place or object. If applicable, these are listed below. Specific exemptions are tailored to the conservation and management needs of an individual registered place or object and set out works and activities that are exempt from the requirements of a permit. Specific exemptions prevail if they conflict with general exemptions. Find out more about heritage permit exemptions here.Specific Exemptions:General Conditions: 1.
All exempted alterations are to be planned and carried out in a manner which prevents damage to the fabric of the registered place or object. General Conditions: 2.
Should it become apparent during further inspection or the carrying out of works that original or previously hidden or inaccessible details of the place or object are revealed which relate to the significance of the place or object, then the exemption covering such works shall cease and Heritage Victoria shall be notified as soon as possible. Note: All archaeological places have the potential to contain significant sub-surface artefacts and other remains. In most cases it will be necessary to obtain approval from the Executive Director, Heritage Victoria before the undertaking any works that have a significant sub-surface component. General Conditions: 3.
If there is a conservation policy and plan endorsed by the Executive Director, all works shall be in accordance with it. Note: The existence of a Conservation Management Plan or a Heritage Action Plan endorsed by the Executive Director, Heritage Victoria provides guidance for the management of the heritage values associated with the site. It may not be necessary to obtain a heritage permit for certain works specified in the management plan. General Conditions: 4.
Nothing in this determination prevents the Executive Director from amending or rescinding all or any of the permit exemptions. General Conditions: 5.
Nothing in this determination exempts owners or their agents from the responsibility to seek relevant planning or building permits from the responsible authorities where applicable.Non Registered Fabric:
All works including demolition and internal modification to structures not included in the extent of registration are permit exempt. Additions to structures not included on the extent will require either the approval of the Executive Director or permit approval.The construction of any new structures within the boundaries of this registration will require a permit.
The process of gardening and maintenance, mowing, hedge clipping, bedding displays, removal of dead plants, disease and weed control, emergency and safety works to care for existing plants and planting themes.Removal of vegetation that is not significant to maintain fire safety to protect monuments, paths, significant buildings and structures.
The replanting of plant species to conserve the landscape character and plant collections and themes.
Repairs, conservation and maintenance to hard landscape elements, buildings, structures, ornaments, roads and paths, drainage and irrigation system.
Management of trees in accordance with Australian Standard; Pruning of amenity trees AS4373.
Removal of plants listed as noxious weeds in the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994.
Installation, removal or replacement of garden watering and drainage systems.
Non-structural works that occur at a distance greater than 5 metres from the canopy edge of a significant tree, plant or hedge, (structural works may require a permit if still on the registered land).
Non-commercial signage, lighting, security fire safety and other safety requirements, provided no structural building occurs.
Plant labelling and interpretative signage.
Resurfacing of existing paths and driveways.
Maintenance of roads and paths and gutters to retain their existing layout.
Signage and Site Interpretation :
The following Signage and Site Interpretation activities are permit exempt under section 66 of the Heritage Act 1995,a) signage and site interpretation activities provided the works do not involve the removal or destruction of any significant above-ground structures or sub-surface archaeological artefacts or deposits;
b) the erection of non-illuminated signage for the purpose of ensuring public safety or to assist in the interpretation of the heritage significance of the place or object and which will not adversely affect significant fabric including landscape or archaeological features of the place or obstruct significant views of and from heritage values or items;
c) signage and site interpretation products must be located and be of a suitable size so as not to obscure or damage significant fabric of the place;
d) signage and site interpretation products must be able to be later removed without causing damage to the significant fabric of the place;
Note: The development of signage and site interpretation products must be consistent in the use of format, text, logos, themes and other display materials.
Note: Where possible, the signage and interpretation material should be consistent with other schemes developed on similar or associated sites. It may be necessary to consult with land managers and other stakeholders concerning existing schemes and strategies for signage and site interpretation.
Public Safety and Security :
The following public safety and security activities are permit exempt under section 66 of the Heritage Act 1995,a) public safety and security activities provided the works do not involve the removal or destruction of any significant above-ground structures or sub-surface archaeological artefacts or deposits;
b) the erection of temporary security fencing, scaffolding, hoardings or surveillance systems to prevent unauthorised access or secure public safety which will not adversely affect significant fabric of the place including archaeological features;
c) development including emergency stabilisation necessary to secure safety where a site feature has been irreparably damaged or destabilised and represents a safety risk to its users or the public.
Note: Urgent or emergency site works are to be undertaken by an appropriately qualified specialist such as a structural engineer, or other heritage professional.
Regular Site Maintenance :
The following site maintenance works are permit exempt under section 66 of the Heritage Act 1995,a) regular site maintenance provided the works do not involve the removal or destruction of any significant above-ground features or sub-surface archaeological artefacts or deposits;
b) the maintenance of an item to retain its conditions or operation without the removal of or damage to the existing fabric or the introduction of new materials;
c) cleaning including the removal of surface deposits, organic growths, or graffiti by the use of low pressure water and natural detergents and mild brushing and scrubbing;
d) repairs, conservation and maintenance to plaques, memorials, roads and paths, fences and gates and drainage and irrigation.e) the replacement of existing services such as cabling, plumbing, wiring and fire services that uses existing routes, conduits or voids, and does not involve damage to or the removal of significant fabric.
Note: Surface patina which has developed on the fabric may be an important part of the item's significance and if so needs to be preserved during maintenance and cleaning.
Note: Any new materials used for repair must not exacerbate the decay of existing fabric due to chemical incompatibility, obscure existing fabric or limit access to existing fabric for future maintenance. Repair must maximise protection and retention of fabric and include the conservation of existing details or elements.
ECHUCA WHARF - Permit Exemption Policy
The purpose of the permit exemptions is to allow works that do not impact on the heritage significance of the place to occur without the need for a permit. Works other than those mentioned in the permit exemptions may be possible but will require either the written approval of the Executive Director or permit approval.
It should be noted that the place is also registered under the provisions of the New South Wales Heritage Act and as a consequence permits and approvals must be issued by the appropriate authority in each jurisdiction. It should also be noted that permit exemptions only apply for the whole of the place if they are issued by relevant authorities in each jurisdiction.
The purpose of the Permit Policy is as a guide to the consideration of and the making of decisions regarding works to the place. It is recommended that any proposed works be discussed with officers of the Heritage Branch, New South Wales Department of Planning and Heritage Victoria (or their successor organisations) prior to them being undertaken or permits being sought.
It is important that any proposed changes to the place are considered and assessed on the basis of clearly defined plans and proposals and must be planned and carried out in a manner which prevents damage to the significant fabric of the registered place. A study entitled Echuca Wharf and Aquatic Reserve Conservation Management Plan was prepared by Andrew Ward in 1998. It is recommended that before any proposed changes are undertaken the 2007 Echuca Wharf Conservation Management Plan by Lovell Chen should be consulted.
All works, unless permit exempt, must be approved by the appropriate authorities in each jurisdiction.
The relevant authorities in each jurisdiction will ensure that the other relevant authority is advised of proposals for works to the wharf and co-ordinate the issuing of permits and approvals.
If works are proposed for the entire wharf, the Heritage Council of Victoria may at its discretion provide permit exemptions for the portion of works which impact on the Victorian registered portion of the place subject to Section 66 of the Heritage Act 1995.
ECHUCA COURT HOUSEVictorian Heritage Register H1469
FORMER POLICE STATIONVictorian Heritage Register H0377
FORMER ECHUCA TOWN HALLVictorian Heritage Register H0378
'The Pines' Scout CampHobsons Bay City
106 Nicholson StreetYarra City
12 Gore StreetYarra City
Tours involving this place See all tours
Echuca Wharf - Echuca Court House - Red Gum Memorial Archway - Former Permewan Wright Offices - Former Baby Health Care Centre - Former Murray Hotel - Former Dr Crosson's Residence And Surgery - Former Railway Engine Shed - Echuca Railway Station Complex - St Andrews Uniting Church - Former Pumping Station - Shackells Bond Store - Former Echuca Town Hall - Former Customs House - Former Police Station - Hopwood Hotel
Public contributions
Tours involving this place See all tours
Echuca Wharf - Echuca Court House - Red Gum Memorial Archway - Former Permewan Wright Offices - Former Baby Health Care Centre - Former Murray Hotel - Former Dr Crosson's Residence And Surgery - Former Railway Engine Shed - Echuca Railway Station Complex - St Andrews Uniting Church - Former Pumping Station - Shackells Bond Store - Former Echuca Town Hall - Former Customs House - Former Police Station - Hopwood Hotel