St Andrew's Uniting Church
105 High Street,BERWICK, Casey City

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Statement of Significance
St Andrew's Uniting Church - Usage/Former Usage
St Andrew's Uniting Church - Physical Description 1
This landmark brick building in Gothic-Early English style, St Andrews, set high on Berwick's High Street hill, is of architectural interest for its broad four-bay buttressed nave with plate-tracery windows. (1) It has a slate roof featuring scalloped tile decoration, and roof vents. The walls are constructed of red brick with rendered trim generally in good condition but requiring repairs to the gable parapet. The pointed arch windows with circular highlight are features of each bay with two tall arched windows and high circular vent to light the ends of the church. A new brick entrance porch has been added to the front of the church. (2) Established European trees exist on the site, adjacent to the church.
1. M. Lewis, Victorian Churches, p.106.
2. Information supplied by Uniting Church of Australia, Parish of Berwick District, 12 Nov., 1992. (Includes ground and other plans showing existing buildings and proposed extensions).St Andrew's Uniting Church - Physical Conditions
St Andrew's Uniting Church - Historical Australian Themes
Heritage Study and Grading
Casey - Casey Heritage Study
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 2004
Grading: LocalCasey - Heritage of the City of Berwick
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 1993
EDRINGTONVictorian Heritage Register H0653
Berwick TownshipCasey City
177 Fenwick StreetYarra City
19 Cambridge StreetYarra City
2 Derby StreetYarra City