37-39 King Road,HARKAWAY, Casey City

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Statement of Significance
Wickham - Physical Description 1
This cottage and its smokehouse are both built of handmade clay bricks, and known earlier as Ratharnay. Today the house, known as Wickham, is a gracious villa, symmetrical in form, with a central entry and verandah on two sides. The multiple additions are in keeping with the scale and character of the early building and cottage. The driveway with turning circle and the twin posted verandah facade dates from at least 1899. (1) The smokehouse is detached and retains exposed brick walls with a new Colorbond roof which is believed to replicate the original roof form. Hand made bricks produced on or near this property are also evident in the garden pathways. (2) The lawns and established cypress, pine and other plantings enhance the historic character of the site.
1. Information and photographs supplied by the current owner Mrs. M. Doherty.
2. The Gazette, Wed., 1 April, 1992.Wickham - Physical Conditions
Heritage Study and Grading
Casey - Casey Heritage Study
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 2004
Grading: LocalCasey - Heritage of the City of Berwick
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 1993
MelroseCasey City
KilferaCasey City
Post Office (Former)Casey City
..estervilleYarra City
1 Alfred CrescentYarra City
1 Barkly StreetYarra City