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Glen Cairn
21-27 Robinson Road,NARRE WARREN NORTH, Casey City
Glen Cairn
21-27 Robinson Road,NARRE WARREN NORTH, Casey City
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Statement of Significance
What is significant?
'Glen Cairn' comprising the homestead constructed c.1880 and the associated front garden layout, at 21-27 Robinson Road, Narre Warren North.
How is it significant?
'Glen Cairn' is of local historic and aesthetic significance to the City of Casey.
Why is it significant?
Historically, 'Glen Cairn, is significant as one of the most important and possibly the earliest homesteads in the district. It was originally part of the large farming property of Scottish pioneer, John Troup. It is one of four important brick farm houses in the district designed and built by the local architect and builder, GW Robinson and is comparable to Hillsley and Cleveland. It also has associations with two important district industries, mixed farming and dairying during the Troup ownership and, more recently, flower growing during the Lukies ownership. (AHC criteria A4, B2, D2 and H1)
Aesthetically, the house is significant as an intact example of a Italianate villa by local architect GW Robinson and is notable for its convex verandah roof, tuckpointed brickwork, triple light windows, Italianate eave brackets, and for its complex front garden layout with curved paths. (AHC criterion E1)
'Glen Cairn' comprising the homestead constructed c.1880 and the associated front garden layout, at 21-27 Robinson Road, Narre Warren North.
How is it significant?
'Glen Cairn' is of local historic and aesthetic significance to the City of Casey.
Why is it significant?
Historically, 'Glen Cairn, is significant as one of the most important and possibly the earliest homesteads in the district. It was originally part of the large farming property of Scottish pioneer, John Troup. It is one of four important brick farm houses in the district designed and built by the local architect and builder, GW Robinson and is comparable to Hillsley and Cleveland. It also has associations with two important district industries, mixed farming and dairying during the Troup ownership and, more recently, flower growing during the Lukies ownership. (AHC criteria A4, B2, D2 and H1)
Aesthetically, the house is significant as an intact example of a Italianate villa by local architect GW Robinson and is notable for its convex verandah roof, tuckpointed brickwork, triple light windows, Italianate eave brackets, and for its complex front garden layout with curved paths. (AHC criterion E1)
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Glen Cairn - Physical Description 1
The subject site is located at 21-27 Robinson Road, Narre Warren North (refer Figure 2). The subject site is bordered to the north by Robinsons Road and surrounded by other allotments. The site is in a formerly rural agricultural area that is being rapidly transformed into outer suburban development. The site is accessed via a gravel driveway to the west, off Robinson Road, and leads into the main farm yard. Off this yard are a series of agricultural buildings with the residence sited over to the east in what appears to be an overgrown garden setting. Beyond the residence is open farm land that is current supporting small-scale, intensive horticulture.
The house appears to be in fair condition, but has not been well maintained, and exhibits some signs of minor disrepair. The roof is of corrugated metal sheets and the brickwork is tuckpointed. The front verandah has been laid over with concrete and the projecting canted bay window has been rendered. The original brick, with render over, chimneys remain, as does the timber window joinery. To the rear is a timber lean-too with an exposed brick chimney.
The garden surrounding the house is very overgrown, and poorly maintained, but the skeleton of the garden structure is evident in the placement of various garden features and plantings.Windrow plantings surround this northwest corner of the site and are also seen in other parts. The land slopes down to the south, with suburban development visible and encroaching beyondGlen Cairn - Physical Conditions
Glen Cairn - Intactness
Heritage Study and Grading
Casey - Casey Heritage Study
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 2004
Grading: LocalCasey - Heritage of the City of Berwick
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 1993
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