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Clyde Cottage (Former)
11 Clyde Road,BERWICK, Casey City
Clyde Cottage (Former)
11 Clyde Road,BERWICK, Casey City
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Statement of Significance
What is significant?
Clyde Cottage, constructed c.1885, at 11 Clyde Road, Berwick, is significant, including the [enclosed] facade, roof form and original chimneys, and the [enclosed] western face including original windows. Later additions and extensions including the enclosed verandah located to the front of the property, the southern lean-to extension, and surrounding hardscaping is not significant.
How is it significant?
Clyde Cottage is of historic and representative significance to the City of Casey.
Why is it significant?
Clyde Cottage is one of a few fine residences from the nineteenth century within the Berwick township area. Houses other than homesteads associated with farms were comparatively rare in the Berwick district until the urbanisation of recent times. Throughout the district most early township residences were located at Berwick, which developed as an important district service centre. Early township residences often housed local doctors, schoolteachers, bank managers, drapers, local parliamentarians, and workers in the building trades. (Criterion A)
Clyde Cottage is of significance as a representative example of a Victorian residence in Berwick, which remains mostly intact. The house incorporates key features of Victorian dwelling in a regional centre including a hipped roof form, corbelled brick chimneys with moulded copings (now painted), and a symmetrical timber ashlar facade which has a large Federation style central door with sidelights and transom, flanked by large, detailed timber sash window on either side. A convex corrugated iron verandah with simple square timber posts extends from the facade. (Criterion D)
Clyde Cottage is of significance as a representative example of a Victorian residence in Berwick, which remains mostly intact. The house incorporates key features of Victorian dwelling in a regional centre including a hipped roof form, corbelled brick chimneys with moulded copings (now painted), and a symmetrical timber ashlar facade which has a large Federation style central door with sidelights and transom, flanked by large, detailed timber sash window on either side. A convex corrugated iron verandah with simple square timber posts extends from the facade. (Criterion D)
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Clyde Cottage (Former) - Physical Description 1
Clyde Cottage is an example of a Victorian timber home of the 1880s in Berwick. The house has a hipped roof form, corbelled brick chimneys with moulded copings (now painted), and a symmetrical timber ashlar facade which has a large Federation style central door with sidelights and transom, flanked by large, detailed timber sash window on either side. A convex corrugated iron verandah with simple square timber posts extends from the facade.
Much of the original facade is obscured by a semi-enclosed portico which is attached to the original verandah. A later lean-to on the southern side of the cottage also conceals original openings, however many of these are still visible internally, including three six paned timber sash windows.
No original soft or hardscaping remains. The property includes carparking to the south and eastern sides, and public car access and egress behind the building.
Alterations and Additions- retrofit into a cafe c.1990 has resulted in significant alterations including, but not limited to, the demolition of internal walls, new flooring, painting and installation of commercial kitchen. The detailed cornicing is not original to the house.
- The addition of a permanent semi-enclosed pergola to the front of facade of the property, encasing the original house frontage.
- New lean-to extension along the southern side of the property.
- New large steel industrial chimney.
- Loss of all soft landscaping, all new hardscaping including a concreted outdoor dining area facing Clyde Road, rear pavement and parking.
- New lych-gate to the southwestern corner of the property facing Clyde Road.
- Black metal fencing around the outdoor dining area.
- Green metal and bamboo fencing at the southwestern corner, facing the adjacent carpark.
- Portico extension over rear doorway.
- Addition of surveillance cameras on poles, lighting, aerials and attached electrical conduit is located around the building.
Clyde Cottage has undergone significant alterations in the transition from private residence to a commercial property. However, the original building remains mostly intact and these later additions could be removed at a later date. Overall, the building is in good external condition, with notable degradation to the property’s roof and verandah. Due to the later changes, the cottage is of moderate – low integrity.
Please note: assessment has not been undertaken when preparing this citation to ascertain the lawfulness of any alterations or additions listed above.
Limitations- Access to all heritage places was limited to visual inspection from the public domain. The interiors of buildings and inaccessible areas such as rear gardens were not accessed as part of this heritage study.
- Condition and site modification assessment was limited to a visual inspection undertaken from the public domain.
- The historical notes provided for this citation are not considered to be an exhaustive history of the site.
Clyde Cottage (Former) - Historical Australian Themes
Building Settlements, Towns & Cities - Township residencesHeritage Study and Grading
Casey - Casey Heritage Study
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 2004
Grading: Local
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