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Court House
38 High Street, WYCHEPROOF VIC 3527 - Property No B3332
Court House
38 High Street, WYCHEPROOF VIC 3527 - Property No B3332
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B3332 Wycheproof Court House

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Statement of Significance
A brick building erected to the designs of the Public Works Department of Victoria in1889. A timber verandah with gables to each end faces the facade, extending beyond the gabled main body of the structure. Construction is in red face brickwork, enlivened by cream brick details and the roof is slate. The detailing of the main walls and the interior are of note.
The Court House is of note within the township of Wycheproof, has historial associations and is representative of this type of court house design. Exemplary of some six court houses in this idiom, all in this region and built in the same period, the court house also illustrates the logical end of the simple, classical revival court house forms evolved and developed by the Public Works Department during the nineteenth century.
It is in fair to good condition and is largely intact.
Adapted from AHC Citation
Classified: 10/05/1973
Revised: 03/08/1998
The Court House is of note within the township of Wycheproof, has historial associations and is representative of this type of court house design. Exemplary of some six court houses in this idiom, all in this region and built in the same period, the court house also illustrates the logical end of the simple, classical revival court house forms evolved and developed by the Public Works Department during the nineteenth century.
It is in fair to good condition and is largely intact.
Adapted from AHC Citation
Classified: 10/05/1973
Revised: 03/08/1998
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