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Statement of Significance
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KNOTT'S NO. 3 MILL - History
Heritage Inventory History of Site: Mill established in 1922 by Driver and Co., taken over by GW Knott in 1923. Log transport via steam winches and horses. The first high lead winch system for log extraction in West Otways installed in 1923 Mill closed in 1927.
KNOTT'S NO. 3 MILL - Interpretation of Site
Heritage Inventory Interpretation: Sawmill located at base of spur beside Ciancio Creek. Logs originally drawn from 4 tramways laid along creeks and spurs around mill. Site connected via 2.5 km log incline to Wyelangta railway station to the NW. The concrete foundations for the mill are rare and intact. Access to site is very difficult (foot only).
Heritage Inventory Description
KNOTT'S NO. 3 MILL - Heritage Inventory Description
Substantial remains of foundations of 1920's sawmill in western Otways, in rainforest gully by Ciancio creek.
Heritage Inventory Significance: State. The site is historically and scientifically significant for the relative intactness of he remains which demonstrate the entire sequence of sawmilling operations, from logging and winching to saw milling and tramway transport. The site is also historically important for its associations with a major figure in the Victorian sawmilling industry, G.W. (Billy) Knott. The mill is archaeological significance for its potential to yield artefacts and evidence about the technological history of sawmilling and timber transport.
Heritage Inventory Site Features: Sawmill site located on east side of Ciancio Creek and extends for 100m around remnant concrete machinery foundations for boiler, engine and fly wheel. Site includes extensive sawdust heaps, concrete lined sawpits, log landing, tramlines, tram cutting, winch site with cable, snig line, and scattered bolts, glass and ceramic fragments. A large and technologically sophisticated mill.
Archeological Potential: Relics/Deposit
KNOTT'S NO.3 MILLVictorian Heritage Register H1818
KNOTT'S NO. 3 MILLVictorian Heritage Inventory