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Former Kongwak Co-Operative Butter Factory Ltd
Wonthaggi Road,, KONGWAK VIC 3951 - Property No B6206
Former Kongwak Co-Operative Butter Factory Ltd
Wonthaggi Road,, KONGWAK VIC 3951 - Property No B6206
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B6206 Kongwak Co-op Butter Factory

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Statement of Significance
Kongwak Cooperative Butter Factory is significant historically at a regional level. It is a large country industrial complex in a variety of styles built between 1925 and 1956 with some earlier buildings extant. The site has been utilised for milk processing and associated use from 1883 until 1968 and comprises of a butter factory, cheese factory, store, grain shed, post office, bank and bakery buildings, offices and water storage and whey disposal dams.
Aesthetically the different buildings on such a large site are evocative of the dairy industry and the resultant social and business requirements of a fully developed centralized delivery system. Its position astride high ground above the creek and associated dams and spread across the main road enhances its visual significance. The complex is notable as a remarkable example of a complete dairy complex with associated service buildings, which provided a wide range of world famous products while acting as the focal point for local needs in the district for 84 years. The complex is one of the largest and most intact of such sites in the Gippsland region and one of the few to include such a veriety of services on the same site.
Classified: 12/06/1991
Aesthetically the different buildings on such a large site are evocative of the dairy industry and the resultant social and business requirements of a fully developed centralized delivery system. Its position astride high ground above the creek and associated dams and spread across the main road enhances its visual significance. The complex is notable as a remarkable example of a complete dairy complex with associated service buildings, which provided a wide range of world famous products while acting as the focal point for local needs in the district for 84 years. The complex is one of the largest and most intact of such sites in the Gippsland region and one of the few to include such a veriety of services on the same site.
Classified: 12/06/1991
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KONGWAK PUBLIC HALLSouth Gippsland Shire