Former Waldkirch Evangelical Lutheran Church & Cemetery
905-915 Anglesea Road,, FRESHWATER CREEK VIC 3216 - Property No B2264

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Statement of Significance
St. David's Lutheran Church (built 1866-67) and Cemetery (first burial 1860) is historically significant at a State level.
Architecturally, St David's Lutheran Church is significant as a simple church of provincial German character with a mixture of Medieval detailing in the stepped buttresses and Renaissance treatment of the arched windows, but with a strangely truncated tower which was possibly intended to be higher.
Historically, St. David's Lutheran Church is significant as a rare surviving example of a churchyard cemetery in Victoria. The church and cemeteryare also significant for its use for over 130 years and has important links to the earliest German migrants in the Geelong region. It represents a key aspect of their religious and social life being the community centre and the final resting place of most of the pioneer families of Freshwater Creek. St. David's is the last substantial physical remnant of the German settlers in the area. The German cultural influence is evident in the headstones showing the German language, quotations and symbolism. The monumental masonry and the grave architecture including railings are representative of various periods and display the work of locally significant artisans and craftsmen.
Classified: 'Local' 28/05/1969
Revised: 10/02/2000
Former Waldkirch Evangelical Lutheran Church & CemeteryNational Trust H1903