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Statement of Significance
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Heritage Inventory History of Site: Following establishment of Henry's No 1 Mill in 1904, logging operations gradually extended upstream into the watershed of the West Barwon River. This tunnel, the second on Henry's tramlines, was built around 1911, and provided access to Henry's No 2 Mill. The tramline continued to operate until the cessation of West Barwon logging in 1928.
HENRY'S TRAMWAY TUNNEL - Interpretation of Site
Heritage Inventory Interpretation: Tunnel provided access for timber tramway extending upstream from Henry's No.1 Mill bypassing on s-bend in the West Barwon River.
Heritage Inventory Description
HENRY'S TRAMWAY TUNNEL - Heritage Inventory Description
Short tramway tunnel cut through base of spur on west Barwon River, between Henry's No.1 & No.2 Mills
Heritage Inventory Significance: State- Intact example of one of only three tunnels built on Victorian timber tramways
Heritage Inventory Site Features: Tunnel extends NW-SE through spur descending to S-bend in West Barwon River. Approached by distinct tramline cutting to the west, across river. Box cuttings through spur are each approx 10m high, with tunnel approx 11m in length, 2.35m high, 2.40m wide at base, tapering to 2.05m at top. Structural upright timbers intact & two cross timbers intact. Fallen timbers on floor of tunnel. Portals have slumped badly, creating difficult access to interior. Heritage Inventory Key Components: Box cuttings & short tunnel through spur; tunnel braced with remnant timber supports portals partially collapsed
Archeological Potential: Remnant Structure
HENRY'S TRAMWAY TUNNELVictorian Heritage Register H1817
HENRY'S TRAMWAY TUNNELVictorian Heritage Inventory