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Statement of Significance
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Heritage Inventory History of Site: Dr J W Gregory, Director of the Geological Survey after visiting the northern end of the Berry Deep lead concluded that the disturbance that had been encountered by the Spring Hill and central Lead mine was due to the eruption of material from Clover Hill which resulted in deep subsidence of the surrounding area. He concluded that the evidence suggested that the Berry Deep lead would be found to the north of the subsided zone. The Berry United Company commenced in 1902 to explore to the north of the disturbed zone. Yields were low in comparison to those obtained south of the disturbance; suggesting that the true course of the Berry Lead had not been located. The Berry United Company produced only 12,500 ounces of gold prior to its closure. This disappointing production discouraged further exploration. The Berry United thus remained the northern most mine.Heritage Inventory Description
BERRY UNITED MINE - Heritage Inventory Description
Mullock heap - Large heap with single dumping line. Machinery foundations - Two periods of machinery installation marked by an arrangement of large brick and concrete mounting beds. The brick beds are confined to the western side of the site and are dominated by a large solid engine bed measuring 36ft by 12ft, standing 9ft (2 inch bolts). Associated with this bed are two parallel beds (28ft by 4ft, 11/2 mounting bolts); and two smaller beds. The bricks are machine-made and set in concrete mortar. The concrete foundations (eastern side of the site) are dominated by an engine bed which measures 25ft by 18ft, standing 41/2ft high. Bob pits/shaft - Associated with the two engine beds are adjoining bob-pits, the western one constructed of brick and the eastern, of concrete. The bob-pits and large shaft depression are filled with agricultural rubbish.Slum dump - Largely quarried/n
Heritage Inventory Significance: The site has:Historical significance - most northerly worked mine on the Berry Lead systemScientific significance - intactness of foundations and developmental sequenceArchaeological potentialNetwork values - part of the Berry network of significant sitesSIGNIFICANCE RANKING: National Estate
Recorded by: J. Harrington & David Bannear. Date Recorded: 00SEP1994
Heritage Inventory Site Features: Mullock heapMachinery foundationsBob pit/shaftSlum dump
BERRY UNITED MINEVictorian Heritage Inventory
Ullina War Memorial CairnVic. War Heritage Inventory
Ullina State School Honour Roll (First World War)Vic. War Heritage Inventory