Agathis australis
"Kenloch", 487 Mt Dandenong Tourist Road,, OLINDA VIC 3788 - Property No T11128

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Statement of Significance
Location or Context:
A tree which occurs in a unique location or context and so provides a contribution to the landscape.
Rare or Localised:
A tree of a species or variety that is rare or of very localised distribution.
A tall thin specimen rare in cultivation in Victoria. It is growing in a closed forest of exoticplantings in a gully below the main garden. Unfortunately, the tree is crowded from above. Remnants of a legacy establishedby the original owner, Charles Kauper in the late 1800s, with the assistance of his friend Baron von Mueller. Many European trees were introduced to landscape the valley with its natural waterways and springs.
Measurements: 19/11/1990
Spread (m): 3.9
Girth (m): 0.98
Height (m): 18.6
Estimated Age (yrs): 80
Condition: Good
Access: Restricted
Classified: 13/12/1990
LONGACRESVictorian Heritage Register H1876
Former Wine Hall & Post OfficeNational Trust
LongacresNational Trust H1876