Hesperocyparis macrocarpa 'Horizontalis Aurea'
Thompson Avenue,, COWES VIC 3922 - Property No T12060
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Statement of Significance
Horticultural value
Contribution to landscape
This avenue of 119 trees is outstanding for the number of specimens of the one species. They make a significant contribution as the signature trees for this town and region of Victoria, and as such make a significant contribution to the landscape.
In 1912 W.E. Thompson, President of the Cowes Progress Association, suggested an avenue of trees be planted down the main street of Cowes.Thompson supplied the Golden Cypress trees and tree guards. School children and local residents took part in the planting beginning at the Esplanade. Over the years planting continued and in 1935 the Avenue was completed on both sides of the Rhyll/Ventnor Road.The Avenue is a mile long and is considered to be a fine example of a Golden Cypress avenue.The road was named Thompson Avenue in recognition of the contribution made to the progress of Phillip Island by Mr and Mrs Thompson.The Friends of the Golden Cypress played a major part in saving the Avenue from being removed to make way for parking.
Measurements: 07/04/2001
Spread (m): E-W 18.4; N-S 16
Girth (m): 3.8
Height (m): 12.75
Estimated Age (yrs): 80
Condition: Good
Measurements (average): 03/08/2010
Spread (m): 15
Girth (m): 4
Height (m): 13
Condition: Good
Access: Unrestricted
Chicory Kilns - Phillip IslandNational Trust
Jetty ShedNational Trust
Cowes School Honour RollVic. War Heritage Inventory