Endeavour Fern Gully
195 Arthurs Seat Road, RED HILL VIC 3937 - Property No L10286
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Statement of Significance
What is significant?
The Endeavour Fern Gully is a National Trust property and is one of the rare surviving remnants of this type of indigenous bushland found on red basaltic soil in the Mornington Peninsula.
The Endeavour Fern Gully contains several rare plant species and is a vital source of habitat and food for a wide variety of animals and birds. It is a critical part of a wild life corridor in the Stony Creek area forming habitat links in this highly fragmented area.
How is it significant?
The Endeavour Fern Gully is significant for aesthetic and historic reasons at a Regional level, and for scientific reasons at a State level.
Why is it significant?
Aesthetically the property is a unique example of the remnant vegetation of the area, rich in flora and habitat diversity, with links to other smaller remnants of indigenous vegetation on nearby properties.
Historically the persistence of this remnant of the original vegetation aids our understanding of the plant resources available to the Bunerong people, the original owners of the land, and illustrates the environment which confronted early European settlers arriving in the area in the 1830s.
Scientifically it is a site of State significance with vulnerable & endangered ecological vegetation classes (Damp Forest and Herb Rich Foothills, see Appendix B). This unique property represents a large proportion of the very small area of indigenous vegetation of this type left within the Mornington Peninsula, and is therefore an important seedbank for any future revegetation programs in the area. There are at least two examples of indigenous vegetation species that are very rare in the area: Parsonsia brownii, the Silk Pod, has not been found elsewhere on the Mornington Peninsula, and Hedycarya angustifolia, the Austral Mulberry.
Classified: 01/05/2007
Endeavour Fern GullyNational Trust
Red Hill Drill HallVic. War Heritage Inventory