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Statement of Significance
What is significant?
Mulberry Hill is remembered as the home of Sir Daryl (1889-1976) and Joan Lindsay (d.1984) and as a place frequented by other members of the famous Lindsay family and some of Australia's most illustrious businessmen, politicians and artists. Sir Daryl was well known as an artist, gallery director and as a founder and early leading figure in the National Trust of Australia (Victoria). Joan Lindsay was equally well known as the author of such books as Picnic at Hanging Rock and Time Without Clocks. With the advice of their friend the architect Harold Desbrowe Annear the Lindsays developed what had been a simple late nineteenth century weatherboard cottage into a stylish and original residence including a studio, wooden stables and an impressive scenic circular porch with slender white columns and long wooden shutters. Some of the detailing was purchased from Whelan the Wrecker. Daryl Lindsay himself developed the garden. When Joan Lindsay died in 1984 the property was left to the National Trust with which the Lindsays were closely associated. The Trust has since maintained Mulberry Hill as a museum dedicated to the Lindsays.
How is it significant?
Mulberry Hill is of architectural and historical significance to the State of Victoria.
Why is it significant?
Mulberry Hill is of historical significance as the sometime home of Sir Daryl and Lady Lindsay.
Mulberry Hill is of architectural significance as a conscious expression (both the garden and the house) of the design skills and lifestyle of the Lindsays and their circle.
Mulberry Hill is of historical significance as a symbol of the Lindsays commitment to conservation values in their bequest of the property to the National Trust of Australia (Victoria).
Mulberry Hill is of architectural significance as an example of a picturesque style villa in Victoria.
Associated People: Assoc.People SIR DARYL & LADY LINDSAYMULBERRY HILL - Permit Exemptions
General Exemptions:General exemptions apply to all places and objects included in the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR). General exemptions have been designed to allow everyday activities, maintenance and changes to your property, which don’t harm its cultural heritage significance, to proceed without the need to obtain approvals under the Heritage Act 2017.Places of worship: In some circumstances, you can alter a place of worship to accommodate religious practices without a permit, but you must notify the Executive Director of Heritage Victoria before you start the works or activities at least 20 business days before the works or activities are to commence.Subdivision/consolidation: Permit exemptions exist for some subdivisions and consolidations. If the subdivision or consolidation is in accordance with a planning permit granted under Part 4 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the application for the planning permit was referred to the Executive Director of Heritage Victoria as a determining referral authority, a permit is not required.Specific exemptions may also apply to your registered place or object. If applicable, these are listed below. Specific exemptions are tailored to the conservation and management needs of an individual registered place or object and set out works and activities that are exempt from the requirements of a permit. Specific exemptions prevail if they conflict with general exemptions. Find out more about heritage permit exemptions here.
Mulberry HillNational Trust H0745
Mulberry HillNational Trust
Morus sp.National Trust
10 Down StreetYarra City