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ATLAS CO - History
Contextual History:History of Place:
Heritage Inventory History of Site:
The Atlas Company at Linton was reported to be working the Black Lead / Royal Standard Lead in July 1860. It was located south of the Linton Gold Mining Company and the Edinburgh Company. The report of November 1860 described the location of the shaft as 6 chains west of the western fence of Linton Park, and admirably situated to mine both the Royal Standard and Flagstaff Leads. It was also described as adjoining the Victory Company.
ATLAS (PAGE'S CLAIM) COMPANY (co-operative party of 30 men, in June 1865 it was reported to be 24 men)
11.1859: boring has been underway for some time and has proved that the lead is either within Linton's pre-emptive right or close to its western fence.
07.1860: erecting machinery, most efficient in the district.
22.08.1860: got up steam for the first time today and the engine works well, and a week will find them bottomed.
11.1860: seems certain that the Standard Lead passes through or very close to the shaft.
12.1860: passed through the rock at 100 feet and into a deep drift.
have bottomed at a level which is 10 feet too shallow for the Standard Lead but deep enough for the Royal Standard or the Flagstaff.
03.1861: have just begun to puddle.
04.1861: starting to get some remuneration; wash-dirt gives 6 ozs per machine.
06.1861: have expended a total of £7000 to date; have got 19 ozs per machine several times and 6 ozs is the lowest yield.
07.1861: doing very well within the last week getting several nuggets.
08.1861: doing very well at present.
09.1861: averaged 30 ozs per week for the past 3 months.
10.1861: turning out 30 ozs per week.
11.1861: weekly yield is 30 to 40 ozs; second puddling machine is nearly erected, this will allow the processing of a greater quantity of wash-dirt.
12.1861: yield is slightly down on their normal average of 30 ozs per week.
15.08.1862: doing better of late.
07.1863: making expenses and wages.
03.1864: given up after 3 or 4 years work.
06.1864: claim taken up by a new party who are getting well paid and have some years work ahead of them.
09.1864: paying from 24 to 30 ozs a week for 30 men; a large area of land still to be mined.
12.1864: yielding between 24 and 48 ozs per week.
03.1865: wash-dirt is extensively distributed and is excellent; dividends as high as £30 per man per week.
06.1865: obtained 51 ozs last week; the best claim at Linton and one of the best in the division.
05.09.1865: puddling machine
09.1865: languishing at present.
17.10.1865: main drive large enough for 2 horses to work in; replacing single tramway with a double road
12.1865: returns are satisfactory.
02.01.1866: drawing pumps to repair joints; overhauling machinery
03.1866: getting gold.
28.08.1866: to construct furnace for treating mundic; machinery overhauled, to start pumping again
25.04.1868: 37,953 trucks of dirt raised for the quarter, against 50,297 the previous quarter; sand furnace constructed with Wheeler's pans for grinding and amalgamating the sand from the sluice boxes when burnt.
1867: recorded production of 1,539 ozs or 47.869 kg.
03.1868: recorded production of 181 ozs or 5.630 kg.33
1864 to 1866: GEDIS also records the following production from a quartz reef mine: 237 ozs from 27,813 tons a yield of 4.090 gr per ton or 7.372 kg from 28,259 tonnes, a yield of 0.26 g per tonne. 33Heritage Inventory Description
ATLAS CO - Heritage Inventory Description
A disturbed site infested with gorse. The mullock is completely covered in gorse and appears to have two fingers. Its overall dimensions are 40x40m, and it appears to be about 2-3m high. The shaft has been filled, and there is a scatter of quartz wash north of the shaft covering an area 40m by 20m. Twenty metres south-east of the shaft sand and fine gravel cover an area 30m by 20m.
Heritage Inventory Significance: Local
EDINBURGH CO NO.2 SHAFTVictorian Heritage Inventory
PIONEER COVictorian Heritage Inventory
DEEP LEAD MINEVictorian Heritage Inventory