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Statement of Significance
What is significant?
The 1922 house and garden designed by Louis R. Williams (including all mature exotic trees) at 23 Castle Street is of significance.
How is it significant?
23 Castle Street is of local aesthetic, social and historical significance to the City of Banyule.
Why is it significant?
23 Castle Street is of local historic significance for its association with the Pizzey family, who started the tanning and leather firm Pizzey and Sons in 1884. (Criterion H)
The place is of significance as a rare example of the residential design work of Louis R. Williams, primarily a church architect of some renown. (Criterion H)
The garden at 23 Castle Street is of aesthetic and local historic significance because of the acclaim it received in the Metropolitan Garden Competition of 1933 and its aesthetic contribution to the streetscape. (Criterion A & E)
The place is of aesthetic significance for its reflection of the architectural influence of English architect C.F.A. Voysey. (Criterion E).
Aringa - Physical Description 1
Castle Street Eaglemont is characterized by its high elevation above Banksia Street, running along an east west ridge parallel to the Banksia Street cutting. The street trees contribute to the setting of the houses in Castle Street, however a number of the residences of of early 20th century date of construction have been redeveloped. 23 Castle Street occupies an unusually shaped site on the corner of Hawdon Street, and has a diagonal boundary with 21 Castle Street.
Aringa is of brick, with steeply gabled cement tile roofs and is surrounded by a dense, mature garden; the garden having received acclaim in the Metropolitan Garden Competition of 1933 (Mexican Marigold border planting, a rosery and a Dahlia bed which formed the fence line). Although these more detailed elements of the garden have changed, the garden of mature deciduous trees provides an important setting to the house.
Aringa is a masonry Arts and Crafts house with rendered finish and half timbering. The tall chimney of simple design is still unpainted, however the remainder of the house has been painted. The size and placement of the small rectangular windows are reminscent of the work of celebrated English architect C.F.A.Voysey (1857 - 1941). Characterised by the roof shape, Aringa resembles the nearby Wana at 135 Studley Road of 1925 also exhibiting the influence of the Voysey whose Arts and Crafts designs exibits low slung roofs, and informal plan layouts with an emphasis on comfort and the relation between the garden and the house. The house has high integrity apart from the exterior painting.
Heritage Study and Grading
Banyule - Banyule Heritage Review
Author: Context P/L
Year: 2009
Grading: LocalBanyule - Banyule Heritage Study
Author: Allum Lovell & Associates
Year: 1999
Grading:Banyule - Heidelberg Conservation Study
Author: Graeme Butler and Associates
Year: 1985
PHOLIOTAVictorian Heritage Register H0479
ST JOHNS ANGLICAN CHURCHVictorian Heritage Register H0197
FORMER HEAD TEACHER'S RESIDENCEVictorian Heritage Register H1617