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Statement of Significance
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The first building on the site was a four-roomed timber house built in 1874 for Edward Eastwood, a railway carrier. It was acquired in 1885 by Bendigo lawyer Barkly Hyett and, in 1896 and 189, extensive renovations and additions were carried out under the direction of local architect, William H Chandler. The house was let between 1902 and 1921 after which further internal renovations were carried out and Hyett resumed residence. The house remained in the family until 1980. A further seven main rooms was added in the 1897 renovations creating an ornate one and two-storey timber house influenced by the tradition of American timber Romanticism. The principal features of the exterior are the polygonal staged corner turret with a bell-cast roof, the balustraded polygonal entry bay, the timber verandah with its cast iron frieze and brackets, the "Rising-Sun" vents to the gables and the extensive use of timber paterae and shingles as decorative devices. Internally the four older rooms are relatively simple plastered spaces but the downstairs dining room is lined throughout with Kauri as is the ceiling of the sitting room above it. The hallway has fibrous plaster ceilings from the 1921 renovations as has the living room from which one wall was removed and filled with a timber flat arch and turned columns.
The Eyrie is of significance as an exceptional example of picturesque architecture reflecting an American tradition in the transitional period of Victorian architecture. It is an important example of the work of WH Chandler who also used this idiom in his design for "Braemar" at Woodend and is of significance for its association with the influential Bendigo lawyer Barkly Hyett who, through his partner, Sir John Quick, was instrumental in the development of the Australian Constitution.
The building is substantially intact with the exception of the replacement of the verandah balustrading, the loss of the perforated brackets to the gable, the application of rough-cast to the chimneys and the alteration of the paint colours. The building requires maintenance.
[Source: Report to Minister]
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THE EYRIE - History
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THE EYRIE - Permit Exemptions
General Exemptions:General exemptions apply to all places and objects included in the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR). General exemptions have been designed to allow everyday activities, maintenance and changes to your property, which don’t harm its cultural heritage significance, to proceed without the need to obtain approvals under the Heritage Act 2017.Places of worship: In some circumstances, you can alter a place of worship to accommodate religious practices without a permit, but you must notify the Executive Director of Heritage Victoria before you start the works or activities at least 20 business days before the works or activities are to commence.Subdivision/consolidation: Permit exemptions exist for some subdivisions and consolidations. If the subdivision or consolidation is in accordance with a planning permit granted under Part 4 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the application for the planning permit was referred to the Executive Director of Heritage Victoria as a determining referral authority, a permit is not required.Specific exemptions may also apply to your registered place or object. If applicable, these are listed below. Specific exemptions are tailored to the conservation and management needs of an individual registered place or object and set out works and activities that are exempt from the requirements of a permit. Specific exemptions prevail if they conflict with general exemptions. Find out more about heritage permit exemptions here.
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NORTH DEBORAH QUARTZ GOLD MINEVictorian Heritage Register H1353
DEBORAH COMPANY QUARTZ GOLD MINEVictorian Heritage Register H1365
"1890"Yarra City
"AMF Officers" ShedMoorabool Shire
"AQUA PROFONDA" SIGN, FITZROY POOLVictorian Heritage Register H1687
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'Riverslea' houseGreater Bendigo City
1 Adam StreetYarra City