Nelson Bros. Funeral Parlour Complex (Former)
37-43 Douglas Parade WILLIAMSTOWN, Hobsons Bay City
Private Survey Heritage Precinct
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Statement of Significance
What is Significant?
The former Nelson Bros. funeral parlour complex, designed by Phillip Blair and constructed in 1940, at 37-43 Douglas Parade, Williamstown.
How is it Significant?The former Nelson Bros. funeral parlour complex at 37-43 Douglas Parade, Williamstown is of local historic and aesthetic significance to the City of Hobson's Bay.
Why is it Significant?Historically, it is significant for its long association with the undertaking and funeral trade and is a rare surviving example of a complex that combined most, if not all, of the activities associated with the trade on the one site. It has strong associations with the well known firm of Nelson Bros. and is believed to be the oldest building constructed by the firm in metropolitan Melbourne. (Criterion A4, D2 and H1)
Aesthetically, although altered, it remains a locally rare example of a large Interwar Moderne commercial building, which retains distinctive elements so redolent of this style. It makes an important streetscape contribution on this prominent corner location. The dynamic architecture expressed the progressive nature of the firm for whom it was originally built. (AHC criteria B2, E1 and F1)
Nelson Bros. Funeral Parlour Complex (Former) - Physical Description 1
The former Nelson Bros. Funeral Parlour at 37-43 Douglas Parade is an inter-war Moderne style rendered masonry building of three storeys (originally only two-storeys) with stepped and curved forms, sited at the Stevedore Street corner. On each street elevation is a rendered vertical tower-like element with vertical fins. Other significant elements include:
- The dynamic form, which is expressive of the Moderne style
- Curved projecting awnings
- Rendered parapets with stepped capping
- Corner windows (altered)
- Tower-like elements with vertical fins
- Entrance on Stevedore Street, with terrazzo steps and 'Private' painted signage on highlight window
This building was originally two storeys in height; the third level was added during the late 1990s when other internal and external alterations were made.
Nelson Bros. Funeral Parlour Complex (Former) - Integrity
External Integrity and condition
Integrity - Moderate. Condition - Good.
Nelson Bros. Funeral Parlour Complex (Former) - Physical Description 2
Although unrelated stylistically to surrounding development, it is an important corner building within the Douglas Parade shopping centre. It is directly opposite the Victoria Inn, a two storey Edwardian Hotel with corner tower that makes a similarly important contribution.Nelson Bros. Funeral Parlour Complex (Former) - Historical Australian Themes
Developing local, regional and national economies
Nelson Bros. Funeral Parlour Complex (Former) - Physical Description 3
Nelson Bros., Phillip Blair
Heritage Study and Grading
Hobsons Bay - Hobsons Bay Heritage Study
Author: Hobsons Bay City Council
Year: 2006
WILLIAMSTOWN PRIMARY SCHOOLVictorian Heritage Register H1639
RESIDENCEVictorian Heritage Register H0487
ST HELLIERSVictorian Heritage Register H0560