Ninnes Lone Grave and Reserve
9 Kawana Drive and 24A Pioneer Drive MAIDEN GULLY, GREATER BENDIGO CITY

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Statement of Significance
What is significant?
The Ninnes Lone Grave and Reserve is surrounded by modern housing development. The grave itself is enclosed by a stone wall, measuring approximately 3m x 2.5m and rising to 0.9m at its highest point. A number of different mortars are evident, reflecting upgrade works carried out over time. These include at least two different cement based mortars and a mud-based mortar. The remnants of cambered cement capping are evident to the tops of the walls. The grave reserve includes a number of naturally occurring native trees, including Grey Box (Eucalyptus microcarpa). Timber post and rail fencing lines the reserve boundaries. An interpretation sign, installed in 2002, is located to the east of the grave, next to the path.
How is it significant?
Ninnes Lone Grave and Reserve is of local historical significance. The site may also be of significance in the State-wide context.
Why is it significant?
The Ninnes Lone Grave is of at least local significance (Criterion A) as one of the finest and best preserved examples of a lone grave (also known as pioneer graves) in Victoria; for its association with the earliest gold-rush related settlement and activity at Myers' Creek (now Maiden Gully); and for its capacity to demonstrate aspects of the often very harsh pioneering conditions experienced by the diggers, particularly those with families and young children. The Ninnes Lone Grave is also understood to be one of the very earliest known lone graves in Victoria, and pre-dates the first recorded European death in the Bendigo region. The Ninnes' migration from South Australia additionally demonstrates the often transient nature of life for people seeking work and income in Colonial Australia, including the movement (in this case) of Cornish miners from the copper mines of Burra to the Bendigo goldfields. While the grave and reserve are now surrounded by modern housing development, the retention of a small area of native vegetation helps preserve an aspect of the grave's original context. The Ninnes Lone Grave is also significant (Criterion C) for providing graphic evidence of the realities of life as experienced by families on the early goldfields, and helps document the tragic experience of the Ninnes family, losing two children on a single day followed by the mother, Maria Ninnes only weeks later.
Ninnes Lone Grave and Reserve - Physical Description 1
The Ninnes Lone Grave and Reserve is located on a sloping allotment in Maiden Gully between Pioneer Drive to the south and Kawana Drive to the north. A pedestrian pathway provides access from both ends. The reserve is surrounded by modern housing development. The grave itself is surrounded by a stone wall, measuring approximately 3m x 2.5m and rising to 0.9m at its highest point. A number of different mortars are evident, reflecting upgrade works carried out over time. These include at least two different cement based mortars and a mud-based mortar. The remnants of cambered cement capping are evident to the tops of the walls. The base of the grave interior is natural earth. A headstone is fixed to the western interior (see page 1). The grave is in sound condition. It has been noted that some repairs have been unsympathetic (notably mortars) to the origins of the grave, and that the headstone requires regilding.2 The grave reserve includes a number of naturally occurring native trees, including Grey Box (Eucalyptus microcarpa). Timber post and rail fencing lines the reserve boundaries. An interpretation sign, installed in 2002, is located to the east of the grave, next to the path.
Heritage Study and Grading
Greater Bendigo - Heritage Policy Citations Review
Author: Lovell Chen P/L
Year: 2011
Grading: Local
MAIDEN GULLY DIGGINGSVictorian Heritage Inventory
Robin Hill Lone GraveNational Trust
Ninnes Lone Grave and ReserveGreater Bendigo City
..estervilleYarra City
1 Alfred CrescentYarra City
1 Barkly StreetYarra City