Stained Glass Window at Hawthorn West Presbyterian Church
Power Street, Hawthorn West, BOROONDARA CITY

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Memorial Window References & Acknowledgements
Stained Glass Window at Hawthorn West Presbyterian Church - Memorial Window References & Acknowledgements
Argus, 19 October 1921, p.14; Montgomery letterbooks, National Gallery of Australia Research Collection, Canberra ACT; Montgomery ledger, William Montgomery Collection, State Library of Victoria.
Stained Glass Window at Hawthorn West Presbyterian Church - Memorial Window Subject
Sacrifice and Reward
Stained Glass Window at Hawthorn West Presbyterian Church - Memorial Window Text
Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a Crown of Life. Rev. 2:10
Stained Glass Window at Hawthorn West Presbyterian Church - Memorial Window Inscription
In memory of those who for God & Country gave their lives in the Great War 1914-1918
Memorial Window Description & History
Stained Glass Window at Hawthorn West Presbyterian Church - Memorial Window Description & History
The foundation stone of the Hawthorn West Presbyterian Church in Power Street was laid by James Dyer Esq., on 9 July 1910. The building was designed by HW and FB Tompkins and constructed by J Bennell & Son. The original elegant lead light windows, set with emblems,were possibly the work of EL Yencken & Co., although the Tompkins Brothers oftenordered stained glass from Brooks, Robinson & Co.
The commissioning of a window to honour the church members who died in the First World War was entrusted to William Montgomery, Melbourne's leading stained glas artist.He quoted a price of 100 guineas in a letter toCharles A King Esq. on 10 December 1920, which was apparently accepted, and the window completed, as an account for 115 pounds 10 shillings was duly paid in November the following year. It had been unveiledon 23 October 1921. Returned servicemen were especially welcomed to the service.
Twenty-three men from the congregation died during the First World War, and two Rolls of Honour, with their names and those of all who served, can be seen on the side walls of the main entrance.
Heritage Study and Grading
Vic War Heritage Inventory - Stained Glass Memorial Windows Study
Author: Bronwyn Hughes
Year: 2013
Grading: Local
FORMER INVERGOWRIE LODGEVictorian Heritage Register H0517