House and Pepper Trees at 54 Osborne Street
54 Osborne Street WILLIAMSTOWN, Hobsons Bay City
Government Survey Heritage Precinct
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Statement of Significance
The house, constructed in 1859-60 by John Lamont and the Pepper trees at 54 Osborne Street, Williamstown.
How is it Significant?The house and Pepper trees at 54 Osborne Street, Williamstown are of local historic and aesthetic significance to the City of Hobsons Bay.
Why is it Significant?Historically, it is significant as one of the oldest houses in Williamstown and one of only a small number of pre-1860 dwellings that illustrate the earliest phase of development of the Government Survey precinct. It is closely linked with the historic maritime pursuits that distinguish Williamstown in the metropolitan area. It is also of interest for its use as a school for a long period earlier this century. (AHC criteria A4 and D2)
Aesthetically, it is significant as a skilful near original house design using a readily distinguishable early form but with unusual verandah details, mixing masonry with timber and built of a material uncommon for houses in Melbourne (stone). The mature Pepper trees provide a related landscape, which enhances the setting. (AHC criteria B2, E1 and F1)
House and Pepper Trees at 54 Osborne Street - Physical Description 1
A two storey stuccoed stone house with a slated hipped roof which has a two level verandah supported on masonry side walls and superposed, square-section column pairs, forming a porch like portal at the centre. A segment arched pediment is placed above this 'porch' whilst bellied cast-iron panels are used for the balustrade and carved brackets rise from the capitals of the Tuscan and stylised Ionic order columns to support the verandah bressumers (cf. bracket shape on 231 Nelson Place). A four panel door top and side lights comprise the entrance whilst multi-paned upper windows may be original. It is possible that the facade was stuccoed and the verandah added in the early 1880s. Of note are the mature pepper trees, which provide a related landscape setting.
Externally, the house generally appears original except for possible alterations to downstairs openings. (further inspection required). The front fence has been removed.
House and Pepper Trees at 54 Osborne Street - Integrity
External Integrity and condition
Integrity - High. Condition - Good.
House and Pepper Trees at 54 Osborne Street - Physical Description 2
One of a number of nineteenth century detached villas which are generally of a lesser scale and differing materials and siting (see 56 and 50)
House and Pepper Trees at 54 Osborne Street - Historical Australian Themes
Making Suburbs
House and Pepper Trees at 54 Osborne Street - Physical Description 3
James Best
Heritage Study and Grading
Hobsons Bay - Hobsons Bay Heritage Study
Author: Hobsons Bay City Council
Year: 2006
FORMER MORGUEVictorian Heritage Register H1512
WILLIAMSTOWN PRIMARY SCHOOLVictorian Heritage Register H1639
TIME BALL TOWERVictorian Heritage Register H1649
'Altona' Homestead (Formerly 'Laverton' Homestead) and Logan ReserveHobsons Bay City