Red Robin Hosiery Factory (former)
119 Pier Street ALTONA, Hobsons Bay City
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Statement of Significance
The Red Robin Hosiery factory (former), now Finnish Hall, constructed c.1949, at 119 Pier Street, Altona.
How is it Significant?The Red Robin Hosiery factory (former) at 119 Pier Street, Altona is of local historic, social and aesthetic significance to the City of Hobsons Bay.
Why is it Significant?Historically, it is significant for the association with Red Robin Hosiery, which was a highly lauded modern factory development of its time and demonstrates the development of Altona in postwar period. (AHC criteria A4 and H1)
Socially, it is significant for the local association of former workers in the complex over a long period and for the subsequent use by the Finnish Society, which illustrates the importance of postwar migration upon the development of Altona. (AHC criteria A4 and G1)
Aesthetically, it is significant as an example of European Modern style applied to an industrial building and is particularly notable for the detailing to the facade. This type of distinctive architectural stylism is rare within the municipality and with the relatively bland treatments of most other post-war industrial complexes. (AHC criteria E1 and F1)
Red Robin Hosiery Factory (former) - Physical Description 1
This is a European Modern style, stuccoed factory-office design which may have been further augmented by the current occupiers. The composition of the elevation is marked by the juxta-positioning of a long horizontal window strip, with metal framed windows, against a vertical feature at the entry. This entry element has a rickrack pattern semi-decorative wire glass window openings above the door and relates to another geometric grouping of openings at the corner. Either side of the entry element and echoing its profile, are tripartite cement mouldings protruding above the parapet line. There are remnants of the former factory garden described in the local press of the time.
The building once had the name of the factory in distinctive Art Deco typeface across the facade - this has been removed.
Red Robin Hosiery Factory (former) - Integrity
External Condition
External Integrity
Moderate to High.
Red Robin Hosiery Factory (former) - Physical Description 2
Edge of Altona commercial centre in flat open site.
Red Robin Hosiery Factory (former) - Historical Australian Themes
Manufacturing and Processing
Red Robin Hosiery Factory (former) - Physical Description 3
Red Robin Hosiery Mills, Finnish Society of Melbourne Inc.
Heritage Study and Grading
Hobsons Bay - Hobsons Bay Heritage Study
Author: Hobsons Bay City Council
Year: 2006
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