Macquarie Street Heritage Precinct
Macquarie Street (part) and Stevedore Street (part) WILLIAMSTOWN, HOBSONS BAY CITY
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Statement of Significance
The Macquarie Street Heritage Precinct, which comprises all land in HO19 and generally includes properties fronting Macquarie Street and Stevedore Street (between Roches Terrace and Rennie Street), Williamstown.
How is it Significant?
The Macquarie Street Heritage Precinct is of local historic, social and aesthetic significance to the City of Hobsons Bay.
Why is it Significant?Historically, Macquarie Street and Stevedore Streets were among the first private streets to be surveyed and subdivided in the area to the north of Ferguson Street and this precinct contains very early (pre-1860) examples of residential and commercial buildings as well as later buildings that demonstrate key phases of development in Williamstown during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. This precinct is therefore notable for its ability to assist in understanding and interpreting the historic development of the private survey area north of Ferguson Street. (AHC criteria A4 and G1)
Aesthetically, it is significant as a relatively intact example of a nineteenth century residential area, which is enhanced by individually significant buildings such as the former Alfred Hotel and the early dwelling at 3 Macquarie Street. (AHC criterion E1)
On this basis, the following properties and other elements contribute to the significance of the precinct:
- Macquarie Street (odd) 1-9 and 13-19 (even) 4, 6, 10, 12, 16 and 18
- Stevedore Street (even) 80-86, 90 and 92
- Basalt kerb and channel in Macquarie Street and Stevedore Street.
Please note that some heritage places within this precinct may also have an individual citation in this Study.
Macquarie Street Heritage Precinct - Physical Description 1
The precinct comprises detached, single-storey, weatherboard houses, which are predominantly from the Victorian era, although there are some Edwardian and Interwar houses interspersed throughout that are related in terms of their scale, materials, siting and form. The houses are generally set back from the street boundary by small gardens. Macquarie Street, and the part of Stevedore Street that falls within the precinct, are wide with bluestone and concrete kerbing and asphalt footpaths. Street boundary fences are generally not original and are a mixture of timber picket, steel, brick and woven wire. The condition of the houses is good, however, the integrity of their fabric is moderate, as many have been altered.
Key elements within the precinct include:
- Former Alfred Hotel at 92 Stevedore Street (northwest corner of Macquarie Street). (q.v.) Typical of early hotels in this area it is constructed of bluestone and sited at the property line.
- The group of Victorian-era dwellings in Stevedore Street, which includes the double-fronted villa with elaborate verandah detailing at No. 80, and the early weatherboard double-fronted cottages at Nos. 82, 84 and 86.
- The unusual double-gable Carpenter Gothic house at 3 Macquarie Street (q.v.)
- Intact Interwar bungalows at 5 and 8 Macquarie Street
- Early Victorian houses at 10 and 12 Macquarie Street (altered) sited irregularly on their blocks
Macquarie Street Heritage Precinct - Integrity
Macquarie Street Heritage Precinct - Usage/Former Usage
The precinct forms part of the broader Private Survey heritage precinct that comprises a number of streets in the area to the north of Ferguson Street, which share some common historic or aesthetic characteristics. In terms of its primary period of historical development, it is most closely related to the James Street and Cox's Gardens sub-precincts.
Macquarie Street Heritage Precinct - Historical Australian Themes
Principal Australian Historical Theme(s)
Making Suburbs
Macquarie Street Heritage Precinct - Physical Description 2
Port Phillip Pilots Association.
Heritage Study and Grading
Hobsons Bay - Hobsons Bay Heritage Study
Author: Hobsons Bay City Council
Year: 2006
WILLIAMSTOWN PRIMARY SCHOOLVictorian Heritage Register H1639
RESIDENCEVictorian Heritage Register H0487
ST HELLIERSVictorian Heritage Register H0560
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