80 Whyte Street, COLERAINE VIC 3315 - Property No 1086

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Statement of Significance
What is significant?
The Coleraine Post Office, located at 80 Whyte Streets in the centre of Coleraine is a symmetrical, single storey brick building which is now rendered. The building originally housed the Post Office, a Post Masters residence and a telegraph office. It was built in 1874 by James Nation & Co. of Melbourne to a standard design prepared by the Public Works Department. The post office was housed in the central section and the eastern side of the building, including an enclosed timber verandah. The western side was the post master's residence. The building passed to the Commonwealth after Federation in 1901. The facade was altered in the 1920s, again to a standard design. The building remains relatively intact externally to that date, although it is much altered internally. It is in good condition.
How is it significant?
The Coleraine Post Office is of historical and architectural significance to the township of Coleraine and the Shire of Southern Grampians.
Why is it significant?
The Coleraine Post Office is of historical significance as the focus for communication services to the community for over 140 years. It is of historical significance because of its earliest associations with the important local Trangmar family. The Post Office is of architectural significance as a representative example of a standard Public Works Department Post Office from the 1870-1880 period. Architecturally, it is significant for its relationship to the court house immediately adjacent and other civic buildings in the vicinity.
COLERAINE POST OFFICE - Physical Conditions
The building is in good condition.
COLERAINE POST OFFICE - Physical Description 1
The Coleraine Post Office is a single storey symmetrical brick building, now rendered, and built on a bluestone base. The central pavilion has a triple arched window with an oeuil de boeuf in the gable containing a clock. The main roof is hipped and made of corrugated iron. Originally the side porches were timber with strong moldings and corrugated iron roofs. The eastern verandah was enclosed with timber panelling and double hung sash windows. The Interwar alterations to the porch have continued the Classical style, but with rather more formality.
The building was in the simple Italianate style which, in the largest examples of Public Works Department Post Offices, such as Castlemaine, assumed the form of large villas, and, as at Maryborough, were the focus of town squares surrounded by other public buildings. In this sense, the post office must be interpreted in association with its immediate neighbour, the court house which is another standard Italianate design.
The building originally included a Post Master's residence and a telegraph office.
COLERAINE POST OFFICE - Historical Australian Themes
Theme 3: Developing local, regional and national economies
3.7 Establishing communications
3.7.1 Establishing postal services
3.7.2 Developing electrical means of communication
Post Office
Intact to its Interwar condition. New glazed front doors. Unsympathetic Paint colour.
COLERAINE POST OFFICE - Physical Description 2
Alfred T Snow, PWD architect
James Nation & Co, builder
COLERAINE POST OFFICE - Physical Description 3
Allotment 10 Section 2
Heritage Study and Grading
Southern Grampians - Southern Grampians Shire Heritage Study
Author: Timothy Hubbard P/L, Annabel Neylon
Year: 2002
MECHANICS INSTITUTESouthern Grampians Shire
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