Bunbury Street, CAVENDISH VIC 3314 - Property No 0040
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Statement of Significance
The former Presbyterian Manse, on the north side of Bunbury Street, opposite the former St. John's Presbyterian Church in Dunkeld was built in 1878. The owner of the Kenilworth North station, Edward Crossley was instrumental in Organising the purchase of the land and building of the manse. There has been no architect or builder associated with the design. The house remains substantially intact and is in fair condition.
How is it significant?
The former Presbyterian manse is of historical and social significance to the township of Cavendish and the Southern Grampians Shire.
Why is it significant?
The former Presbyterian Manse is of historical significance for its local connections with important individuals and the Presbyterian community generally. It is of social significance as a model of stable religious and family life in rural conditions.
The house is in fair condition, but suffering from rising damp in the brick work.
PRESBYTERIAN MANSE (FORMER) - Physical Description 1
The former Presbyterian Manse is located on the northern side of Bunbury Street, facing south and directly opposite St John's Lutheran Church. The manse is a single storey symmetrical painted brick house with a hipped colourbond roof and shallow hipped colourbond verandah, with a later timber extension. A four pane double hung sash window is located on either side of the front door. The floorplan of the main house is traditional in form, with rooms opening for a central passageway. All of the windows in the main house are four paned sash windows. The house is set in a large suburban garden with mainly modern plantings.
PRESBYTERIAN MANSE (FORMER) - Historical Australian Themes
Theme 8 Developing Australia's cultural life
8.6 Worshipping
8.6.1 Worshipping together
8.6.3 Founding Australian religious institutions
8.6.4 Making places for worship
8.12 Living in and around Australian homes
8.14 Living in the country and rural settlementsPRESBYTERIAN MANSE (FORMER) - Usage/Former Usage
high degree of integrity
PRESBYTERIAN MANSE (FORMER) - Physical Description 2
Edward Crossley
Heritage Study and Grading
Southern Grampians - Southern Grampians Shire Heritage Study
Author: Timothy Hubbard P/L, Annabel Neylon
Year: 2002
BIGGS PIPE ORGANVictorian Heritage Register H2404
ST LUKE'S LUTHERAN CHURCHSouthern Grampians Shire
LOCK-UP (FORMER)Southern Grampians Shire
177 Fenwick StreetYarra City
19 Cambridge StreetYarra City
2 Derby StreetYarra City