Pepper trees, sugar gums, kurrajongs and Canary Island date palms, Maribyrnong River plantation
off Chifley Dr MARIBYRNONG, Maribyrnong City
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Statement of Significance
Trees, Maribyrnong River plantation (pepper trees, sugar gums, `Brachychiton' specimens, Canary Island date palm rows) are significant to the City of Maribyrnong and the Western region:
- for the collection of mature exotics introduced as pleasure grounds for the advent of increased outdoor recreation early in the 20th century (Criterion A4);
- for the rarity of a collection of trees of this maturity and number in a waterside location within the city and the region (Criterion B2);
- for the social meaning of the trees, their maturity being an indicator of use of public parklands over a long period (Criterion G1)
Australian Heritage Commission (AHC) criteria
The Australian Heritage Commission criteria consist of a set of eight criteria which cover social, aesthetic, scientific, and historic values. Each criterion has sub-criteria written specifically for cultural or natural values. The relevant criteria are:
A.4 demonstrates well the course and pattern of history, important historic events
B.2 rarity
G.1 social importance to the community
Pepper trees, sugar gums, kurrajongs and Canary Island date palms, Maribyrnong River plantation - Physical Description 1
The parkland along the Maribyrnong River has traditionally been the scene of leisure activities, swimming and boating. The landscape includes pepper trees (`Schinus molle' var. `areira'), sugar gums (`Eucalyptus cladocalyx') and extensive Canary Island date palms (`Phoenix canariensis') combined into a long row and planted in a grassed river bank, in combination with mature rear yard planting from The Esplanade houses. The palms are the dominant elements in the tree group, made more dominant by the apparent removal of some of the sugar gums from the alternating pattern. Across the river is a matching palm row, making the riverscape distinctive within both municipalities.
Commencing at the Anglers Tavern and the former line of Raleigh Rd, there are two short palm rows which join at Leopold St and extend as one row on the river bank to the north end of Chifley Drive, at the former Commonwealth Explosives Factory site north east gate. There are palms on both sides of Chifley Drive at the south end of the rows, with 8 on the east and 9 on the west to where the road turns north-west. There is one mature Italian cypress within the row on the west and pepper trees mixed into the row on the east. A short row of 3 palms extends south along the river bank from the end of Leopold St to the hotel yard.
There are a further 62 palms on the east side up to the crossing of the electrical transmission lines over the road and opposite the rear of 93 The Esplanade. After a gap near the Chicago Street intersection there are another 12 palms to the pedestrian bridge and another 7 to a gap near 157 Chifley Drive. After the gap there is 2 palms on the west side and 4 on the east until, at the end of Chifley Drive, there is a small grove of 3 palms plus a pepper tree and another 4 palms within the explosives factory site adjoining.
The Coulson Gardens adjoin the river reserve midway on the west side, with a number of pepper trees. At the Newstead Street entry to the gardens are two notable and large `Brachychiton' specimens forming a gateway. Pepper tree rows fringe the reserve with another lesser `Brachychiton' sp.
South of Raleigh Road and east of Van Ness Drive are a further 4 mature Canary Island date palm specimens, with pepper tree groves, set in open parklands next to the river.Pepper trees, sugar gums, kurrajongs and Canary Island date palms, Maribyrnong River plantation - Physical Conditions
Good (partially disturbed, well preserved)
Pepper trees, sugar gums, kurrajongs and Canary Island date palms, Maribyrnong River plantation - Integrity
Substantially intact/some intrusions
Pepper trees, sugar gums, kurrajongs and Canary Island date palms, Maribyrnong River plantation - Physical Description 2
Reinforced by the matching parklands across the river and the adjacent open space of the former explosives factory reserve. Otherwise the area is bounded by residential development of mainly post WW2.
Pepper trees, sugar gums, kurrajongs and Canary Island date palms, Maribyrnong River plantation - Historical Australian Themes
Thematic context
Australian Principal Theme Developing cultural institutions and ways of life
PAHT Subtheme Creating public landscape
Local Theme(s) Reserves and parksPepper trees, sugar gums, kurrajongs and Canary Island date palms, Maribyrnong River plantation - Physical Description 3
Map (Melway) 28D7
Boundary description The trees and sufficient land around each to allow for root zone and canopy protection, nominally 1m beyond the drip line, root zone or canopy perimeter which ever is the greatest.
Heritage Significance: Regional
Creation date(s): 1926-1930c
Local Government Area: City of Maribyrnong
Ownership Type: PublicHeritage Study and Grading
Maribyrnong - Maribyrnong Heritage Review
Author: Jill Barnard, Graeme Butler, Francine Gilfedder & Gary Vines
Year: 2000
ESSENDON INCINERATOR COMPLEXVictorian Heritage Register H0434
CSIRO SOUTH H1 - HOMESTEAD SITEVictorian Heritage Inventory
RALEIGH HOMESTEAD SITEVictorian Heritage Inventory
'YARROLA'Boroondara City
1 Bradford AvenueBoroondara City