237 O'Neil Road BEACONSFIELD, Cardinia Shire

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Statement of Significance
Built in the late 1870s, Holm Park is of State significance for its reflection of the lifestyles of the important Ramsden and Armytage families. Its importance is underscored by the fact that George Ramsden, a Melbourne financier and the house's first owner, offered the property to the Governor of Victoria as a country residence. This also highlights the early reputation of the Upper Beaconsfield area as a prestigious country retreat.
State Significance
HOLM PARK - Physical Description 1
Holm Park is a large stuccoed hipped roof Italianate-style house with a central parapeted tower and return cast-iron verandah. There are large two-storey service wings at the rear, reputedly built for the Armytage family, along with a converted two-level stable block. The house is sited on the top of a hill, surrounded by mature exotic trees and some garden, and faces a circular carriage drive with a central fountain. The house is also entered from Holm Park Road.
The main house was near symmetrical (plus rear additions), has a plain window and door treatment, a slated roof, and moulded cemented chimneys. The tower is more ornamental than the house with an arched entry and paired arched windows in the upper level. The tower parapet is balustraded between piers, and is adorned with urns at the corners. It has impost moulds and a bracketed string mould at the storey line.
The house and garden are prominently located at the top of a steep drive. The land around the house drops away steeply on most sides leaving a garden of open lawn and mature trees around the house and on the sloping land. A swimming pool is on the levelled area north of the house.
The property is entered through an elaborate pair of metal gates (supposed to have been brought out from Italy) and a wide driveway, surfaced with white crushed gravel, leads to a carriage circle in front of the house and around to the rear of the house. An ornamental fountain with a circular pond at its base is the centrepiece of the circle. At the entrance to the house, there are tall palm trees on either side of the house. The garden consists of mature trees dating from a number of periods of planting and more recently landscaped areas such as at the rear of the house and around the pool.
A number of trees and some shrubs near the drive and throughout the garden are probably remnants of the original planting and date from prior to 1900. These include Cedrus deodara, Ficus macrophylla, two Araucaria cunninghamii, Pinus radiata, a number of Douglas fir, yucca, clumps of aloe, Robinia sp., two Cupressus torulosa. They probably reflect the Armytage era of ownership1. A number of other mature trees and shrubs date from this period or c1900-1930 and include Pinus radiata, a lemon scented gum (Eucalyptus citriodora), many cypress including Cupressus macrocarpa and a golden form of Monterey cypress, beds of mature camellias. Later plantings include Liquidambar styraciflua and a small remnant orchard with feijoa (Acca sellowiana) and apple trees.
Former Driveway
Mature trees (Pinus radiata and Cupressus ? sempervirens) which would have formed part of the original driveway still line Holm Park Road at some distance from the present property gates.
HOLM PARK - Physical Conditions
Many superficial alterations have been made to the house at the rear and side and the paving and landscaping but the original parts of the main elevations of the house are still readily discernible.
HOLM PARK - Historical Australian Themes
7.1 Gentlemen's rural retreats
10.3 Rural retreats, gardens
11.0 Evidence of: Life style, housing and landscape choice of notable figures residing in the district
HOLM PARK - Physical Description 2
Associations - Ramsden, George; Armytage, Mrs Caroline (1883-
Heritage Study and Grading
Cardinia - Cardinia Shire Heritage Study 1996
Author: Graeme Butler & Associates
Year: 1996
Grading: State
177 Fenwick StreetYarra City
19 Cambridge StreetYarra City
2 Derby StreetYarra City