615 Bald Hill Road NAR NAR GOON, Cardinia Shire

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Statement of Significance
Shady Oaks, a farm dating from the 1870s, is significant to the Cardinia Shire for its associations with the pioneering Startup family and as one of the Shire's oldest houses. It is significant for its associations with John Startup Jun., son of the district pioneer of the same name. The house has technological significance for its rendered (mud) brick-nogged construction, with mud bricks placed between the wall studs and a textured render over the top .
Regional Significance
SHADY OAKS - Physical Description 1
The house is set well in from the road, with surrounding hawthorn hedges and some old trees including an oak. It is a simple Colonial Georgian style cottage with a hipped roof (with rear skillion). It is of rendered (mud) brick-nogged construction, with mud bricks placed between wall studs (visible above the render where a verandah wall plate may have been, some studs badly eaten) and a textured render over the top. Some skirtings may remain of an early date along with a simple timber arch with carved brackets in the hall. There is reputedly no sign of shingles on the roof (under the corrugated iron).
SHADY OAKS - Physical Conditions
The verandah is new, larger double-hung sash windows have been installed in the front and, inside, the architraves have been replaced.
The brick chimneys appear to have been replaced/rebuilt with standard sized bricks resembling the Jefferson type seen in many other local 19th century structures, set with relatively cement-rich mortar.
SHADY OAKS - Historical Australian Themes
Historical Themes
3.1 Squatters/pastoralists and grazing
10.2 Pastoralists' homes, gardens
11.0 Evidence of: Life style, housing and landscape choice of notable figures residing in the district
SHADY OAKS - Physical Description 2
Associations - Startup, John
Heritage Study and Grading
Cardinia - Cardinia Shire Heritage Study 1996
Author: Graeme Butler & Associates
Year: 1996
SHADY OAKSCardinia Shire
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