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Statement of Significance
Letts Ford is one of only a dozen fords on the Heritage Inventory, and one of the only fords assocatiod with a later bridge (see Roberson's Bridge and H7822-1044). It is an example of early ryral technology and transport infrastructure.
Letts Ford is of historical significance, being associated with the development and consolidation of the Western Districl Road Newtork. In association with registered place H1029, it's association with Eilerslie Bridge and the 1967 reinforcd conrete bridges consititus a complete hiosrical record of a Europeand-era crossing place and transport history.
Letts Ford is of archaeological sig ificance as having the potential to increase our knowledge of the form and history of fords and other river crossings in Victoria.
The ford is of social significance an an early crossing place within the Western District and initally gave the town it's name (later changed to Ellerslie in 1867).
ELLERSLIE BRIDGEVictorian Heritage Register H1029
Ellerslie BridgeNational Trust H1029
Eucalyptus camaldulensisNational Trust