The Springs
2 Stockyard Court, NARRE WARREN SOUTH, Casey City

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Statement of Significance
'The Springs', which comprises the 1903 red brick Queen Anne style residence, an associated brick cottage, a very intact blacksmith's shop and nearby stables at 2 Stockyard Court, formerly known as 97-99 Greaves Road, Narre Warren South.
How is it significant?
'The Springs' is of local historic and aesthetic significance to the City of Casey. It is also of potential significance to the State of Victoria.
Why is it significant?
Historically, it is significant for its associations with the Greaves family, pioneer English farmers, who established important Border Leicester and Southdown sheep studs there. It illustrates the important pastoral phase of the area's history. (AHC criteria A4, D2 and H1)
Aesthetically, it is significant as a well preserved complex of farm buildings. The house is a fine example of Queen Anne architecture and is a local landmark in a fine rural setting. (AHC criteria E1)
The Springs - Physical Description 1
Located on the crest of a rise, 'The Springs' is set well back from the road, commanding spectacular views of the valley to the north. Established cypress and pepper tree plantings provide a sheltered rear yard where the stables and blacksmith's shop stand.
The residence is largely intact, consisting of a symmetrical design decorated with Federation features such as a diagonal bay window at the north-east corner, two tall potted chimneys and a gabled hip roof which retains its corrugated iron cladding beneath recent sheet tile cladding. A wide verandah returns on both sides. A clay tile floor is bordered in slate and supported by cast iron posts and brackets. A garden bed fringes the verandah, flanking a gracious entrance with concrete steps to the leadlight Edwardian doorway.
Internally the house retains a lot of its original carpentry. There are extensive beaded pine walls in the skillion and the ceilings of the bathroom and kitchen. The house is comparable to The Downs (formerly known as Rahiri), in Buchanan Road.
The blacksmith's shop, constructed in hand made bricks is remarkably intact, with its hearth and bellows still operational. Benches and equipment are also intact. The stable building north of the blacksmith's shop has a broad gable roof with a loft and pulley below the ridge. The house and outbuildings remain on a large rural allotment of around 107 hectares. Suburban housing is encroaching on the surrounding rural landscape.The Springs - Historical Australian Themes
Working the land, Grazing
Heritage Study and Grading
Casey - Casey Heritage Study
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 2004
Grading: StateCasey - Heritage of the City of Berwick
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 1993
The SpringsCasey City
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