Robertson's Property (Former)
456 Belgrave-Hallam Road,NARRE WARREN NORTH, Casey City

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Statement of Significance
This site, with buildings located on two properties has high local significance as an historic site that was part of district squatter James Robertson's large Watwillroon cattle run, once covering much of the present day Narre Warren North. The older house, although altered and rebuilt, may still contain elements of Robertson's pre-1862 four-roomed home. The home built at the top of the hill, now subdivided onto a separate title, requires investigation, but is believed to be historically and architecturally significant also. Located on a hill containing a rocky outcrop and established cypress plantings, the former St. Leonards is an important feature in the historic landscape .
Robertson's Property (Former) - Physical Description 1
Originally a simple weatherboard cottage, the house is said to be in poor condition, with Hardiboard cladding over the original walls, collapsing floor and deteriorated footings. The building is sited on a rocky outcrop with established cypresses which distinguish the site in the surrounding landscape of grassy undulating hills.
When the house was rebuilt, an L-shaped plan replaced the original symmetrical design. It is difficult to determine from observation of external surfaces of the building, whether any original Singaporean fabric remains. All structural timbers in the roof appear to date from the 1940s reconstruction. It is possible that some of the weatherboard pieces are very old. There is a mix of materials used to clad the exterior, including sheet metal, cement sheet, timber and brick to the rear. The bathroom is attached as a skillion to one end of the house and has a thick rubble wall on one side with part constructed of handmade bricks matching those in the twin fireplace. This section could relate to the brick building in the 1922 photograph.
The old Robertson house is considerably altered and rebuilt (possibly using some early material), and is surrounded now by a large collection of disused Army machinery assembled for museum purposes.
A second house, built on the property in 1907 and known as St. Leonards, still stands on the hill overlooking the older house.Robertson's Property (Former) - Physical Conditions
Robertson's Property (Former) - Intactness
Unknown - Further investigation required.
Heritage Study and Grading
Casey - Casey Heritage Study
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 2004
Grading: LocalCasey - Heritage of the City of Berwick
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 1993
The GrattonsCasey City
Robertson's Property (Former)Casey City