The Grattons
8-10 Bailey Road,NARRE WARREN NORTH, Casey City

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Statement of Significance
'The Grattons', comprising the homestead constructed c.1900 and remnant orchard plantings, at 8-10 Bailey Road, Narre Warren North.
How is it significant?
'The Grattons' is of local historic and aesethetic significance to the City of Casey.
Why is it significant?
Historically, 'The Grattons' is significant as the former home of William Martin ('German') Brown, early district dairy farmer, brickmaker and roadmaker, and a pioneer in the 1850s in the German settlement at Harkaway. The remant orchard plantings illustrate one of the important early forms of primary production in this area. (AHC criteria A4, D2 and H1)
Aesthetically, 'The Grattons' is significant as a fine example of a Victorian Italianate brick villa with fine original detailing. (AHC criterion E1)
The Grattons - Physical Description 1
The house is a fine example of a Victorian-style featuring generous windows with sidelights complementing those of the central door. The straight hip roofed verandah displays delicate cast iron lacework. The brickwork uses stretcher courses, indicating cavity brick walls, and confirming the dating of the building. There have been several additions over the years to rear sections of the house which do not detract from the original part. The grounds with orchard plantings on the slopes of the hill in front of the house have landscape value (1). The house remains on a large rural allotment of approximately 43.7 hectares and retains its long entry drive.
1. City of Berwick Valuer's Records.The Grattons - Physical Conditions
Heritage Study and Grading
Casey - Casey Heritage Study
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 2004
Grading: Local
WallerviewCasey City
The GrattonsCasey City
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