101 A'Beckett Road,NARRE WARREN NORTH, Casey City

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Statement of Significance
'Wallerview', constructed c.1875, at 101 a'Beckett Road, Narre Warren North.
How is it significant?
'Wallerview' is of local historic and aesthetic significance to the City of Casey.
Why is it significant?
Historically, it is significant as one of the oldest surviving houses in Narre Warren North, which demonstrates the early pastoral development of this area and has associations with two early district residents, Thomas Cox and his son-in-law, Daniel Kennedy. (AHC criteria A4, D2 and H1)
Aesthetically, it is significant as a beautiful asymetrical villa with timber ashlar facade in a leafy garden setting. (AHC criterion E1).
Wallerview - Usage/Former Usage
Wallerview - Physical Description 1
'Wallerview' is located on approximately 0.68 hectares amidst rolling lawns and established exotic and native plantings. The facade is decorated in timber ashlar with an Edwardian entrance, pendant brackets along the eaves and a new return verandah. The interior of the old section of the house has been 'partially retained with its Baltic pine floorboards, ceilings and walls stripped back' (1). The more recent extensions to the house have been designed to match the older section.
1. Berwick Journal, 4 November 1991.Wallerview - Physical Conditions
Wallerview - Intactness
High to Moderate (1993)
Wallerview - Historical Australian Themes
Developing settlements, towns and cities
Heritage Study and Grading
Casey - Casey Heritage Study
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 2004
Grading: LocalCasey - Heritage of the City of Berwick
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 1993
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