Churchill National Park
Churchill Park Drive,LYSTERFIELD, Casey City

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Statement of Significance
The Churchill National Park has regional historical significance as part of the historic Dandenong Police Paddock. Remaining evidence of this police usage (as in the north boundary dam) are of particular importance and the native forest setting allows interpretation of the former use and the earlier state of the reserve and the surrounding land.
Churchill National Park - Physical Description 1
This place is culturally significant because of its role as the former Dandenong Police Paddock, its National Park status, as well as for the combined historical worth of its components (see other listings) as a precinct. The park extends from the aptly named Police Road on the north, the line of Mossgiel Park Drive on the east, and Churchill Park Drive on the south and west. Most of the area is covered with native forest but a number of artefacts are distributed across it, including the nineteenth century Public Works Department dam on the north, another dam nearby, the two old stone quarries and associated artefacts on the south-east, the Shire quarry on the north, the former aqueduct channel (and subsidiary channels) running west to east, and the associated former siphon (off Syphon Track). There is also the former State Electricity Commission easement and high-tension power lines and towers which runs from west to east. There is a recent picnic area west of the entry, a network of walking, access and service tracks, and the old Police Paddocks Reserve is across Churchill Park Drive on the south. Although native forest dominates there is evidence of its former grazing role in the extensive areas of exotic grasses around Bayview Track. Granite outcrops add a picturesque quality to the park.
Heritage Study and Grading
Casey - Casey Heritage Study
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 2004
Grading: LocalCasey - City of Casey Heritage Study: Cranbourne, Knox
Author: Graeme Butler & Associate
Year: 1998
Churchill National ParkCasey City
Granite Quarries (Former)Casey City