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Statement of Significance
Wuchatsch's Farm, comprising the main house, the stables, the milking shed, the dairies, the circular stone path, and extensive drystone walls and stone paths, is of outstanding historical significance to the state of Victoria as part of the Westgarthtown settlement, for its association with the state's promotion of German settlement in Victoria. As part of the Westgarthtown settlement, Wuchatsch's Farm has an important association with William Westgarth MLC, a notable pioneer of Victoria, who was directly responsible for the immigrant communities in Victoria.
Johann Wuchatsch's bluestone farmhouse is believed to have been built in the late 1850s. The house and outbuildings form the most complete farm surviving from the original Westgarthtown settlement. The house today is owned by Mrs Muriel Wuchatsch, widow of Norman Wuchatsch, who was Johann's grandson. The buildings are obviously derived from rural German architecture and they represent a transportation of German building techniques in Victoria. The quality of the stonework in the buildings reflects the craftsmanship of the early German settlement particularly in the working of bluestone. The Wuchatsch bluestone outbuildings are of note for their construction with very little mortar.
WUCHATSCH'S FARM - Permit Exemptions
General Exemptions:General exemptions apply to all places and objects included in the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR). General exemptions have been designed to allow everyday activities, maintenance and changes to your property, which don’t harm its cultural heritage significance, to proceed without the need to obtain approvals under the Heritage Act 2017.Places of worship: In some circumstances, you can alter a place of worship to accommodate religious practices without a permit, but you must notify the Executive Director of Heritage Victoria before you start the works or activities at least 20 business days before the works or activities are to commence.Subdivision/consolidation: Permit exemptions exist for some subdivisions and consolidations. If the subdivision or consolidation is in accordance with a planning permit granted under Part 4 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the application for the planning permit was referred to the Executive Director of Heritage Victoria as a determining referral authority, a permit is not required.Specific exemptions may also apply to your registered place or object. If applicable, these are listed below. Specific exemptions are tailored to the conservation and management needs of an individual registered place or object and set out works and activities that are exempt from the requirements of a permit. Specific exemptions prevail if they conflict with general exemptions. Find out more about heritage permit exemptions here.
ZIEBELLS FARMVictorian Heritage Register H0979
SIEBELS FARMHOUSEVictorian Heritage Register H1212
'Altona' Homestead (Formerly 'Laverton' Homestead) and Logan ReserveHobsons Bay City