Kanagulk Railway Bridge
Glenelg River floodplain,, KANAGULK VIC 3401 - Property No B6921

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Statement of Significance
What is significant? Kanagulk Railway Bridge was built in 1917, as part of the Hamilton-East Natimuk Railway linking the Wimmera to Portland, and is a 31 span all-timber-beam single track rail bridge. The 5 spans crossing the river are 20 feet; the spans crossing the floodplain are 15 feet. Kanagulk Railway Bridge is 160 m long and 8.23 m high. The line was closed in 1979.
How is it significant? Kanagulk Railway Bridge is of historical, technical and aesthetic significance to the State of Victoria.
Why is it significant? Kanagulk Railway Bridge is of historical significance as the only survivor of several impressive timber-trestle rail bridges that once bridged the Western District's Glenelg Valley. It is also the last significant surviving all-timber bridge from the historic but long abandoned Hamilton-East Natimuk Railway.
Kanagulk Railway Bridge is of technical significance as it is composed of an unusual combination of standard Victorian Railways fifteen feet and twenty feet timber-beam spans. Its features such as the original all-timber safety platform are now very rare.
Kanagulk Railway Bridge is aesthetically significant as a large timber bridge situated on a broad river floodplain, surrounded by river red gums and adjacent to the Kanagulk forest reserve. This is a very impressive setting for the last remaining Glenelg River Valley all-timber-beam bridge.
Kanagulk Railway Bridge - Physical Description 1
all timber 31 span rail bridge, with 26 standard fifteen feet (4.6 m) and 5 standard twenty feet (6.1 m) main channel spans, timber piers; deck length is approximately 160 m; maximum height is 8.23 m.
The single-track Kanagulk Railway Bridge is composed of 26 standard fifteen feet (4.6 m) and 5 standard Victorian Railways twenty feet (6.1 m) timber-beam spans, seated on timber piers, and is approximately 160 m in length. Its maximum height is 8.23 m.
Kanagulk Railway Bridge is situated on the Glenelg River floodplain just north of Kanagulk reserve (and several km south of the former Kanagulk Railway Station), and adjacent to grazing land. Its immediate environs feature numerous river red gums, and the timbered river valley merges into open farmland. Kanagulk is a rural locality around 10 km from the nearest town (Balmoral).
Kanagulk Railway Bridge is intact, and sound, apart from the deteriorating deck and safety platform.
Assessment against Criteria:
Importance to the course, or pattern, of Victoria's cultural history.Kanagulk Railway Bridge was a crucial component of the Hamilton-East Natimuk Railway which was built to carry north-west Victorian agricultural and pastoral produce southwards to the Western District coastal ports, and to Portland.
The Glenelg River crossing at the Kanagulk Railway Bridge presented the biggest river-crossing problem for the Victorian Railways engineers who designed the line.
Possession of uncommon, rare or endangered aspects of Victoria's cultural historyKanagulk Railway Bridge is the only survivor of several impressive timber-trestle rail bridges that once bridged the Western District's Glenelg Valley. It is also the last significant surviving all-timber bridge from the historic but long-abandoned Hamilton-East Natimuk Railway. Kanagulk Railway Bridge still retains its all-timber safety platform, a rare feature.
Potential to yield information that will contribute to an understanding of Victoria's cultural historyImportance in demonstrating the principal characteristics of a class of cultural places or objectsKanagulk Railway Bridge is composed of an unusual combination of standard Victorian Railways fifteen feet and twenty feet timber-beam spans.
Importance in exhibiting particular aesthetic characteristicsKanagulk Railway Bridge is situated on a broad river floodplain, surrounded by river red gums and adjacent to the Kanagulk forest reserve and grazing properties. This makes a very impressive and beautiful setting for the last remaining Glenelg River Valley all-timber-beam bridge.
Importance in demonstrating a high degree of creative or technical achievement at a particular periodKanagulk Railway Bridge - Usage/Former Usage
rail bridge - no longer in use
Kanagulk Railway Bridge - Intactness
Kanagulk Railway Bridge - Physical Conditions
good. not maintained
FulhamNational Trust H01476
Kanagulk Railway BridgeNational Trust