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Victorian Heritage Register
VHR H0027The elevated site for Bishopscourt was selected by BishopPerry,firstBishop of Melbourne, in 1848. Tenders for Bishopscourt werecalledbyarchitects Newson and Blackburn in 1849. The site was…
Also listed in:
Lynch Street BRANXHOLME, Southern Grampians Shire
Southern Grampians Shire
The former Colonial Bank is a single storey, symmetrical brick building of traditional house form located on the south side of Lynch Street near the intersection of Monroe Street. It had a…
97 Bell Street, PENSHURST VIC 3289 - Property No 0105
Southern Grampians Shire
The Rouse is located at 97 Bell Street, on the south side. It is a large timber building with a corrugated iron verandah. Its earliest known use was by a Chinese merchant, Ah Wong, who…