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Victorian Heritage Register
VHR H1554Dhurringile including the mansion, shearing shed, stables and all fixtures attached to the buildings at the time of registration including all fixtures attached to the buildings such as…
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Vic. War Heritage Inventory
VHR H1554John [Jock] Winter, the son of a blacksmith, arrived in Australia with his family from Scotland in 1841 and settled near Ballarat. The discovery of gold on their property transformed the life…
Dhurringile Prisoner of War Camp
870 Tatura Murchison Road,Tatura, GREATER SHEPPARTON CITY
Vic. War Heritage Inventory
VHR H1554Dhurringile was built by James Winter, a brother to William Winter. It is a sixty five roomed two-storied mansion, built as a place of luxury and magnificence. It took three years to build…