Bacchus Marsh Lawn Tennis Club Inc. (Former Maddingley Courthouse)
Maddingley Park, Taverner Street BACCHUS MARSH, MOORABOOL SHIRE

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Statement of Significance
An unusual Court House designed by the recently formed Public Works
Department and built in 1857-8, but closed in 1858 to be replaced by the Bacchus Marsh Court House in Main Street, then subsequently used as Municipal offices by the Bacchus
Marsh and District Road Board and the Shire Council until 1896(?). It is the earliest government building in the municipality: the first courthouse as well as the first office of municipal government.
It is of regional historical significance for its association with judicial and municipal development in the early settlement, and in demonstrating the effect of early government action.
It is of regional architectural significance as a very early work of the recently formed Public Works Department in Victoria. It is a representative, if unusual, example of a very early courthouse building and a rare relatively intact survival of this building type.
More recently it has acquired local historical significance associated with sporting and social developments in community life and social significance. Throughout its life as a public building over 140 years as a traditional community focus and meeting place.
Bacchus Marsh Lawn Tennis Club Inc. (Former Maddingley Courthouse) - Physical Description 1
A stone Classical building with hip roof and eaves. The stone is dressed with quoins at comers; there is a smooth band at cornice-height and dado (on the north and extreme west elevation only). In the centre ofthe north elevation is a fine stone architrave moulding to a round headed door opening (now sealed). This has a keystone and the mould temrinates in stops. There are three chimneys with Classical mouldings. Only about a third of the elevations were visible.
Bacchus Marsh Lawn Tennis Club Inc. (Former Maddingley Courthouse) - Physical Conditions
CONDITIONS & THREATS: Good(?). There is some cracking at cornice level in the north-west corner. Introduction ofinstitutional services has damaged the stonework. There is some erosion of the lower stone surfaces. The opening sealed with brickwork is reversible and the timber additions may be removed
Bacchus Marsh Lawn Tennis Club Inc. (Former Maddingley Courthouse) - Intactness
INTACTNESS: Good(?). There are major timber additions on all sides in the form of an infilled verandah, below eaves level. The former front round headed opening is sealed with brickwork. Behind these additions the degree ofintactness is unknown. Was the original courthouse the north-west section only (shaded).
Bacchus Marsh Lawn Tennis Club Inc. (Former Maddingley Courthouse) - Historical Australian Themes
Governing! Communitv life.
Bacchus Marsh Lawn Tennis Club Inc. (Former Maddingley Courthouse) - Usage/Former Usage
USE : Private sports club.
PREVIOUS USE: Court house ; Municipal offices; Gardens curator's residence.
Heritage Study and Grading
Moorabool - Bacchus Marsh Heritage Study 1995
Author: Richard Peterson and Daniel Catrice
Year: 1995
MILLBANKVictorian Heritage Register H0263
COURT HOUSEVictorian Heritage Register H1461
POLICE STATION AND OLD LOCK-UPVictorian Heritage Register H1546
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