Verdon Street Heritage Precinct
Verdon Street (part) and Parker Street (part) and Pasco Street (part) and Perry Street (part) WILLIAMSTOWN, HOBSONS BAY CITY
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Statement of Significance
The Verdon Street Heritage Precinct, which comprises all land within HO32 and generally includes properties with a frontage or side boundary to Verdon Street, Williamstown.
How is it Significant?
The Verdon Street Heritage Precinct is of local historic and aesthetic significance to the City of Hobsons Bay.
Why is it Significant?Historically, Verdon Street is an integral part of the broader Government Survey Heritage Precinct and illustrates the development of Williamstown during the late nineteenth century. (AHC criteria A4 and D2)
Aesthetically, it is a cohesive late nineteenth and early twentieth century residential streetscape that comprises groups of larger villas from the Victorian to Interwar periods, as well as the intact nineteenth century street layout including mature Elm and Oak street trees, which add to and reinforce the period setting. (AHC criterion E1)
On this basis, the following places and other elements contribute to the significance of the precinct:
- Verdon Street (odd) 1, 3, 7-21, 29, 47A, 55-59, 69-77, 79, 81 (Street tree only), 87, 91, 93 and 95 (even) 2, 6-16, 40, 48, 50, 66, 70-78, 84, 88-92, 96 and 106-108 (inclusive)
- The early or nineteenth century street layout including the basalt guttering, grassed and gravelled verges and Elm street trees.
Please note that some heritage places within this precinct may also have an individual citation in this Study.
Verdon Street Heritage Precinct - Physical Description 1
This precinct generally comprises all properties with a frontage or side boundary to Verdon Street, Williamstown. Despite some inappropriate postwar infill development Verdon Street retains remarkably intact late nineteenth and early twentieth century streetscapes. Key elements include:
- Individual buildings such as:
- No. 75 - A double fronted single storey Italianate timber villa with an iron decorated timber verandah, large window bays, eaves brackets, an M-hip iron clad roof and an unusual but period front picket fence.
- No. 95 - A double fronted verandahed and M-hipped roof Italianate timber 'ashlar' villa with distinctive triple gables set in the cast iron verandah.
- The cohesive and homogeneous nineteenth and early twentieth century residential streetscapes, which comprise houses that share the following common characteristics:
- simple single or double fronted forms of single storey scale.
- detached siting parallel to the frontage with similar front and side setbacks.
- horizontal weatherboard wall cladding.
- pitched hip and gable roof forms.
- verandahed forms.
- punched fenestration occupying less than 50% of the wall surface.
Few front fences are original, but most are low and many are in a related reproduction period style such as timber pickets. The predominant building style is Victorian, but there are notable individual Edwardian and interwar dwellings that are related in terms of their materials, scale, and siting.
- The early roadway layout that is 99 feet or 1.5 chains wide as is typical of the Government Survey, with 75 feet between kerbs and comprises:
- the remnant mature exotic street planting comprising Elm trees within the gravelled road verge. There is also an Algerian or Canary Oak near 81 Verdon Street, which is a rare example of this type in the municipality.
- a strip of stone bordered, originally macadamised and now asphalt roadway in the centre of the road reserve.
- asphalt paved footpaths.
The mature street trees are complemented by mature trees in private gardens such as the notable Norfolk Island Pines at 50 Verdon Street.
Verdon Street Heritage Precinct - Integrity
Verdon Street Heritage Precinct - Physical Description 2
Verdon Street is an integral part of the broader Government Survey Heritage Precinct.
Verdon Street Heritage Precinct - Historical Australian Themes
Principal Australian Historical Theme(s)
Making Suburbs.
Verdon Street Heritage Precinct - Physical Description 3
Robert Hoddle, George Verdon, Others - see citations for individual properties as appropriate.
Heritage Study and Grading
Hobsons Bay - Hobsons Bay Heritage Study
Author: Hobsons Bay City Council
Year: 2006
WILLIAMSTOWN PRIMARY SCHOOLVictorian Heritage Register H1639
RESIDENCEVictorian Heritage Register H0487
ST HELLIERSVictorian Heritage Register H0560
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