HO80 - Walnut Tree, High Street, Melton
In front of Civic Centre High Street MELTON, MELTON SHIRE
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Statement of Significance
The Walnut Tree at 222-230 High Street Melton, planted by blacksmith Gordon Macdonald sometime between the 1930s and the early 1950s, is of heritage significance as the only remnant of the once-important blacksmith industry in Melton, and the site of the most historically important blacksmith in the Shire.
The Walnut Tree at 222-230 High Street Melton is historically significant at a LOCAL level (AHC A4, B2, H1). The tree was planted by Melton's longstanding and final blacksmith, Gordon Macdonald, who operated the old blacksmith for 39 years. It commemorates the important economic role of blacksmiths in the township. Being situated on a major Victorian highway (the first Portland Road, and then the main coach-road to the goldfields of Ballarat and beyond), the township owed its foundation, and much of its subsequent business, to wayside traffic. The site marks the location of one of the very early blacksmiths, established c.1854 during the goldrush, in an area where a number of other blacksmith shops subsequently established. It recalls the site of by far the longest running blacksmith in the Melton Shire, the site continuing in operation until 1961, its weatherboard building demolished c.1966. Both A Cameron and JB Whittington, prominent blacksmiths in the Shire, learnt their trades from A Blackwood at this site; the site was later associated with other prominent local blacksmiths W Whittington and G Macdonald. Blackwood and Cameron were also very prominent citizens, and leaders of numerous initiatives in the township.
The tree is also a healthy and prominent specimen of a species that is rare in the Shire. At an estimated at c.55 - 70 years of age, it is one of the oldest of the surviving exotic species in High Street.
The Walnut Tree at 222-230 High Street Melton is of social and aesthetic significance at a LOCAL level (AHC E1). The tree was identified as being a place valued by the local community at a heritage study forum.
Overall, the Walnut Tree at 222-230 High Street Melton is of LOCAL significance.
HO80 - Walnut Tree, High Street, Melton - Physical Description 1
Physical Description -
The tree is a c.60 year old specimen of a walnut tree (Juglans regia), sited on the lawn between the Shire Council Chamber and the Mechanics Institute. It recalls the site of an early blacksmith. Its health has suffered in the recent drought and the tree shows evidence of some dieback.
HO80 - Walnut Tree, High Street, Melton - Integrity
Integrity - Substantially Intact
HO80 - Walnut Tree, High Street, Melton - Physical Conditions
Physical Condition - Fair
HO80 - Walnut Tree, High Street, Melton - Historical Australian Themes
Melton Historical Themes: 'Community'
Heritage Study and Grading
Melton - Shire of Melton Heritage Study phase 2
Author: David Maloney, David Rowe, Pamela Jellie, Sera Jane Peters
Year: 2007
MELTON VALLEY GOLF COURSEVictorian Heritage Inventory
RAGLAN HOTELVictorian Heritage Inventory
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